View Full Version : Celestial Fists (Book)

08-20-2015, 08:00 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm in the incredible unlucky situation that I have demon fangs and the book of celestial fists... and no way to spawn sane kaiaren. If any nice monks out there would be so kind to let me take a ride on their epic hand-in I would really appreciate it! Been waiting afk by sane kaiaren for 2 days now with no dice:(

If you're able and willing shoot me a PM:)

08-20-2015, 10:44 PM
I saw you AFK there. A Kairen was up before you showed up, not sure if its the one you needed though. Not really familiar with how that quests worked.

08-21-2015, 09:00 AM
The one I need spawns in the hut I was afk next to. I sense that I will be waiting a while, unfortunately...

Alakhazam says I can do the hand-in at either Kaiaren... but the p1999 wiki says only Kaiaren's true form will give me epic; don't want to risk it.

Can anyone confirm/deny the above about the final hand-in?

08-21-2015, 09:47 AM
How did that happen? Go LD before final turn in and sane despawned? May get GM to spawn him because he is triggered from celestial book turn in to mad then sane spawns. Does sane despawn also when someone turns in final epic quest? Curious as I'm going to be doing this in the future.

08-21-2015, 10:42 AM
Sane ONLY spawns when you do your book hand-in to mad Kaiaren, and he is only alive for 90m. I was following the wiki quest text and it didn't warn that Kaiaren's true form was only spawnable once and I did my book hand-ins early, I was under the impression that both Kaiaren's were always up; I realized shortly spawning him.

He does not despawn.. as when I spawned him doing my book hand-ins another monk was waiting in my same predicament, handed in his epic, and True Kaiaren was still alive afterward for his 90m.

08-21-2015, 01:21 PM
I would think if you sat in the hut at the lake for some amount of time that someone would do the turn in and you could do your turn-in after. There's gotta be a monk finishing their epic almost every day or more than once a day even.

Or sit around in LoIO levelling a newb around the side of the lake and see when a monk comes thru there and does that part and ask him when he's going to do his turn-ins in TT.

08-24-2015, 08:14 AM
I would think if you sat in the hut at the lake for some amount of time that someone would do the turn in and you could do your turn-in after. There's gotta be a monk finishing their epic almost every day or more than once a day even.

Or sit around in LoIO levelling a newb around the side of the lake and see when a monk comes thru there and does that part and ask him when he's going to do his turn-ins in TT.

That's what I've been doing.. for 6 days so far lol.. Thing is, I can't be online 24/7 so I've just really gotta be lucky.

If any monks out there doing their final hand-in soon, can you let me know and allow me to come along:)

08-29-2015, 09:45 PM
Still on the hunt for a monk who is completing his epic soon and wouldn't mind me tagging along for his hand in... been sitting at sane kaiaren for almost half a month now unable to find a pop:(