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09-23-2015, 09:11 PM
You have a really unique way of describing "real normal Americans".

09-23-2015, 10:20 PM
I think youd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks this corperate system works, yea.

09-23-2015, 10:40 PM
I think youd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks this corperate system works, yea.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who understands even the most basic nuance of the corporate-political climate let alone be knowledgeable enough to allow them to make an informed decision about it.

09-23-2015, 10:52 PM
Just wanna say im glad u guys are here

09-23-2015, 11:08 PM
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who understands even the most basic nuance of the corporate-political climate let alone be knowledgeable enough to allow them to make an informed decision about it.

Yea you and I agree about that. I think theyll go for bernie before they go for trump because in my experience (and granted the republicans in my family/circles though smarter than most, are still dumb as fuck, considering they are republican) seem to understand and even know about Bernie's message. And they're human enough to know that someone like trump is not thier guy.

Hey speaking of republicans that ARE qualified for the job but have absolutely no chance, for sad reasons, Colin Powell should be the lock for Repub presidential nomination. That's the only guy I could see on that side that actually stands a cunts hair of a chance at beating a dem this election.

09-23-2015, 11:41 PM
I wont be devastatingly disappointed when/if Bernie doesn't get the nom..

However if he is drastically ahead of her in the poles when it comes down to the nomination as he is trending to be, it will be a very clear indicator that the democratic party is run by corporate politics just the same as the republican party.

I know its obvious that the Dems are the same when it comes to corporate politics to you guys, but it isnt to the normal democrats.

This is Bernies shot, and he IS better fit for the job than Hillary is. This election is a race to see who will win the nomination, him or her. Once that is decided, the election is over. Republicans don't stand a chance, no matter who they go up against this year.

But Bernie is a candidate that a large portion of the republican party DOES and will get behind, it would be nice to see a more partisan person in the white house than Hillary (who basically is an icon of what republicans hate) if only so we don't have to hear the word scandal every fucking week in the media..

And one thing, before you start saying Bernie is not bipartisan, remember im not talking about the religious extreme vocal minority of the republican party, im talking about the real normal Americans, who all agree that corporate politics is bad, they dont like the same old thing happening over and over, they want infrastructure and local jobs to be a priority. All things that Bernie is after. So yes, he is a bi partisan candidate even though he is a socialist (something anyone under the age of 50 isnt as afraid of as the media would like to think they are).

Where do you get your facts? I am a republican and I know a lot of other republicans, and not a single one has ever uttered the words "you know I think I like that self admitted socialist, I think I'll vote for him" are you MAD?

09-23-2015, 11:43 PM
Where do you get your facts? I am a republican and I know a lot of other republicans, and not a single one has ever uttered the words "you know I think I like that self admitted socialist, I think I'll vote for him" are you MAD?

Well shit man sounds like you gotta spread the word!

09-23-2015, 11:55 PM

09-24-2015, 01:06 AM
have none of you guys read the overtly marxist shit Bernie wrote when he was a 20-something bohemian "revolutionary"? Poorly written, for one, but the content is just hilariously embarrassing.

Can't believe you guys bother to get all in a tizzy for a judeo-bolshevik buffoon that can't even maintain order at his own campaign engagements. That left-wing totalitarian revolution of his youthful dreams is here whether you elect him or not. Please don't tell me your brains are really too scrambled to remember what came out of Obama's mouth before he carved that bleeding pentagram into his face. I don't think I could take it.


09-24-2015, 01:15 AM
^ that was eloquent and insightful bro keep it coming

09-24-2015, 03:35 PM
Yea you and I agree about that. I think theyll go for bernie before they go for trump because...

I'm not talking about Bern/Trump, I'm talking about Bern/Hillary. Again, most Americans haven't even heard of Bernie Sanders. Everyone knows who Hillary Clinton is.

09-24-2015, 04:35 PM
I'm not talking about Bern/Trump, I'm talking about Bern/Hillary. Again, most Americans haven't even heard of Bernie Sanders. Everyone knows who Hillary Clinton is.

That's changing though. And where people do learn about bernie, they tend to switch from Hillary to him.

I don't think most democrats love Hillary, they just think shes the best we got to offer at the moment.

I mean all this is speculation and it can go any direction at this point, but I am hoping it goes by the way of Bernie

As for BigJ, I honestly cant believe you actually believe any of that silly stuff you post about.. but who knows I don't know you all that well.. but this day and age, to be afraid of a humanist you'd have to be pretty fuckin ignorant.

09-24-2015, 07:16 PM
to be afraid of a humanist you'd have to be pretty fuckin ignorant.

Please don't tell me your brains are really too scrambled to remember what came out of Obama's mouth before he carved that bleeding pentagram into his face. I don't think I could take it.

i'm going to start the day off sobbing uncontrollably again. thanks a lot.

09-24-2015, 10:04 PM
I'm not talking about Bern/Trump, I'm talking about Bern/Hillary. Again, most Americans haven't even heard of Bernie Sanders. Everyone knows who Hillary Clinton is.

Everyone knows colonel sanders...i just thought he died years ago

09-25-2015, 11:50 AM
Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist (really a cultural marxist). The fact he is allowed to hold office and/or run for president shows just how far this country is fallen.

09-25-2015, 11:53 AM
Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist (really a cultural marxist). The fact he is allowed to hold office and/or run for president shows just how far this country is fallen.

How come youre so stupid? Why would you think what you just posted makes any sense at all? Im serious.

09-25-2015, 11:58 AM
Ok PC Principal calm down:


I seriously think South Park made this episode just for you.

09-25-2015, 01:12 PM
this kind of trans-phobic and bigoted hate speech isnt gonna fly here bro.

09-27-2015, 12:04 AM
I'm not talking about Bern/Trump, I'm talking about Bern/Hillary. Again, most Americans haven't even heard of Bernie Sanders. Everyone knows who Hillary Clinton is.

Everybody knows Bernie Sanders but he died a few years ago so I don't know what all the talk is about.


09-27-2015, 01:52 AM

09-29-2015, 01:16 AM

09-29-2015, 06:49 PM
So far his economic plan is kicking the shit out of the ol' Bern.

09-29-2015, 07:07 PM
So far his economic plan is kicking the shit out of the ol' Bern.

lol thats just the dumbest thing ive heard today.

Im literatly begging you guys to not be this naive.

09-29-2015, 07:10 PM
lol thats just the dumbest thing ive heard today.

Im literatly begging you guys to not be this naive.

Care to back up that statement with numbers?
So far the Bern wants to add 1.6 trillion in ADDITIONAL spending over ten years.

09-29-2015, 07:55 PM
Care to back up that statement with numbers?
So far the Bern wants to add 1.6 trillion in ADDITIONAL spending over ten years.

lol well sense you think its ok for you to just throw out facts without backing them up in anyway imaginable yet you demand people give you data in response to your outrageous claims, Ill do my best.

First of all, what news source do you get your information from, regarding Bernie's planned bill for america?

Second of all are you seriously concerned with how every dollar is spent? LIke you're seriously saying Bernie wants to spend X dollars, and somehow Trump or any other candidate wouldn't also spend the same dollars?

Bernie has detailed this shit for years about how and where he would pay for his programs, largely the money would come from high taxation of the rich, people like Donald Trump would float the bill.

Ill just make it quick, you dont have to worry about the cost of his programs, because you dont have any fucking money to tax anyway. Its the low to high millionaires and billionaires that will be paying more taxes. So you can chill.

If you need me to go into more detail cus you are actually interested Ill try but Im not google, you can get alot of the information you seek from google.

09-29-2015, 08:54 PM
lol well sense
All you need to see to know to expect top tier writing.

You've clearly not even looked at the toupée's plan if you think "taxing the rich" is either revolutionary or something only one side is talking about doing. But God forbid you actually listen to what someone is actually proposing before regurgitating a pile of talking points.

Bee tee dubbs, my source on the Bern's financial plan is his own website.

09-29-2015, 09:07 PM
All you need to see to know to expect top tier writing.

You've clearly not even looked at the toupée's plan if you think "taxing the rich" is either revolutionary or something only one side is talking about doing. But God forbid you actually listen to what someone is actually proposing before regurgitating a pile of talking points.

Bee tee dubbs, my source on the Bern's financial plan is his own website.

When have you heard me say taxing the rich is revolutionary?

Its more like I was saying: Are you seriously so dumb that you are unaware of this incredibly non-revolutionary system of taxing the rich?

Bee tee dubbs, when america "was great again", it had every policy that Bernie is pushing for: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/09/when-america-was-great-taxes-were-high-unions-were-strong-and-government-was-big/407284/

I just cant believe after 20 years of just total fucking failure, people STILL INSIST that loud republicans are the only way to go. It is just a total mind fuck to me to imagine why anyone would fall for this shit over and over and over again.

09-29-2015, 10:53 PM
Are you still pushing this two party politics crap? No wonder you're so confused, there's a whole rainbow of colors to choose and you're suck on brown and burnt orange.

09-30-2015, 03:43 AM
How do you compete with uneducated masses looking for free stuff?

09-30-2015, 07:24 AM
How do you compete with uneducated masses looking for free stuff?



09-30-2015, 08:31 PM
All you need to see to know to expect top tier writing.

You've clearly not even looked at the toupée's plan if you think "taxing the rich" is either revolutionary or something only one side is talking about doing. But God forbid you actually listen to what someone is actually proposing before regurgitating a pile of talking points.

Bee tee dubbs, my source on the Bern's financial plan is his own website.

Wasn't taxing the rich what liberals were all about for the past 8 years? How is it all of a sudden not acceptable? What he's saying (which still isn't much) is essentially what liberal candidates were saying in 2008 and 2012.

He even said it would hit himself pretty hard but it's necessary.

The trick is to not overtax them because they can leave the country, renounce their citizenship and take their money with them. Some already have.

09-30-2015, 08:49 PM
Who said taxing the rich wasn't acceptable? I said that it's no longer a radical stance to take. I support the haves putting more into the system than the have-nots.

09-30-2015, 08:51 PM
Wasn't taxing the rich what liberals were all about for the past 8 years? How is it all of a sudden not acceptable? What he's saying (which still isn't much) is essentially what liberal candidates were saying in 2008 and 2012.

He even said it would hit himself pretty hard but it's necessary.

The trick is to not overtax them because they can leave the country, renounce their citizenship and take their money with them. Some already have.

one of Bernies sources of revenue is putting tax stock trades over $100.00 so you cant 'leave' the country to avoid it.

The revenue for this would be jaw dropping while also (as economists proved in the European market) makes the market a safer place to trade because it cuts down on 'automated high frequency trading'.

Trumps plans involve:

Cutting the top marginal rate from 39.6 percent to 25 percent
Eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax
Eliminate the estate tax
Cut the corporate tax rate to 15 percent

Which would would save his direct family billions of dollars.

Not to mention he is a racist fuck who wants to blow what little money would be left, on building gas chambers for the 11 million immigrants he despises so much.

09-30-2015, 09:02 PM
i'd vote for trump if i actually voted. not because he is right, but because he is the only one not lieing about who he is.

go away you god damned sob :mad:

09-30-2015, 09:03 PM

Not to mention he is a racist fuck who wants to blow what little money would be left, on building gas chambers for the 11 million immigrants he despises so much.

Do you still wonder why nobody takes your dumb ass seriously?

09-30-2015, 09:04 PM
Do you still wonder why nobody takes your dumb ass seriously?

hmm you come here for serious debate? sad poster is sad.

09-30-2015, 09:07 PM
Learn the difference between a discussion and a debate, pleb.

09-30-2015, 09:08 PM
Honestly though I cant imagine why a nerd like kaga would be so in love with a media whore like Trump.. you like buzzfeed.com and shit? Like reality tv and stuff? I thought you were like into cool shit, not the kardashians.

09-30-2015, 10:17 PM
Who said taxing the rich wasn't acceptable? I said that it's no longer a radical stance to take. I support the haves putting more into the system than the have-nots.

Sorry I was actually agreeing with you, it just doesn't always translate well on a forum. Yeah it should be acceptable now, but maybe in some peoples' eyes it doesn't go far enough, like they want a truly socialist state because they themselves aren't rich (that's a much more common opinion than some would like to admit).

09-30-2015, 10:28 PM
Sorry I was actually agreeing with you, it just doesn't always translate well on a forum. Yeah it should be acceptable now, but maybe in some peoples' eyes it doesn't go far enough, like they want a truly socialist state because they themselves aren't rich (that's a much more common opinion than some would like to admit).

Well the irony is people who would benefit the most from social programs like them the least.

09-30-2015, 10:58 PM
Honestly though I cant imagine why a nerd like kaga would be so in love with a media whore like Trump.. you like buzzfeed.com and shit? Like reality tv and stuff? I thought you were like into cool shit, not the kardashians.

None of that matters. Here you have a candidate who already has everything he'd ever want. Nobody can buy him, bribe him, or as of yet even stand up to him when he takes a stance. He's fit to lead.

ideologies aside you have to be a fool to think anyone else in the running has the balls to take on the challenges that you know Trump will go up against guns blazing.

Policy wise I think trump is a nightmare, but what does that matter? The past 8 years, nothing of any significance was accomplished, and I don't see how replacing the incumbent space waster (literally defunded the space program irrecoverably) with a man who won't even stand up to some dumb stereotypical loud black chick AT HIS OWN RALLY is going to accomplish a damn thing. Congress will block his ass all day and he has yet to show that he has the balls to do shit about it.

09-30-2015, 11:15 PM
None of that matters. Here you have a candidate who already has everything he'd ever want. Nobody can buy him, bribe him, or as of yet even stand up to him when he takes a stance. He's fit to lead.

ideologies aside you have to be a fool to think anyone else in the running has the balls to take on the challenges that you know Trump will go up against guns blazing.

Policy wise I think trump is a nightmare, but what does that matter? The past 8 years, nothing of any significance was accomplished, and I don't see how replacing the incumbent space waster (literally defunded the space program irrecoverably) with a man who won't even stand up to some dumb stereotypical loud black chick AT HIS OWN RALLY is going to accomplish a damn thing. Congress will block his ass all day and he has yet to show that he has the balls to do shit about it.

First of all you have to get over bernies self restraint being a bad thing. A candidate that actually cares so much for what the people have to say that he literatly let them try to speak their piece, only to find that they were retarded and then removed them, is a great thing.

You cant let someone who just yells really loudly without offering any real solutions make you think that they'll have solutions.

Bernie stepping aside to let those two agitators speak should shock you about his open mind instead of make you think he's somehow a bad leader. A bad leader kicks a univision press agent out of a press meeting because he challenges their openly false claims about immigration. Something trump did.

So i ask you if trumps policies are a nightmare how can you think he'd make a good president?

If employment is up, millions of people are receiving not just better healthcare but healthcare at all, crime is down, stock market up.. How can you say things have gotten worse? They simply are not. Fox news and conservative blowhards would disagree but the facts are facts

Lastly if yet again a conservative such as yourself is agreeing with liberal policies a decade after you said they wouldn't work, why cant you open your mind to what we're saying now?

09-30-2015, 11:30 PM
a man who won't even stand up to some dumb stereotypical loud black chick AT HIS OWN RALLY is going to accomplish a damn thing. Congress will block his ass all day and he has yet to show that he has the balls to do shit about it.

You really hold that against him? I see this a lot from Trump supporters and internet libertarians. Bernie's response wasn't bad; he let Guamquisha and the entire dindu movement make a complete fool out of themselves. Instead of playing into their hands and getting flustered, he maintained his composure and gave her the pulpit so she could convey her message. But guess what? She didn't have a message, just complete and utter inarticulate ignorance and rage (Surprise surprise). I'd blame the people running the rally more than anything. His response is one of the reasons level-headed, rational, civil people everywhere are behind Sanders, while toxic, hateful, rage-filled hicks beat off to Trump's infantile verbal abuse.

Also, tenacity doesn't magically grant presidents the ability to sidestep Congress. It doesn't matter whether Trump, Sanders, or Hillary are elected; none of them have the ability to ignore Congress and get shit done on their own. Whether they are bold is irrelevant. Their balls are irrelevant. It's naive to think macho rhetoric will get you anywhere in DC.

What counts is the fact that Trump or Sanders would be elected with a strong mandate to overturn the status quo. Sanders is honest enough to admit the importance of advocacy as one of his platform policies, he acknowledges that an important action is raising awareness about the state of the political system, because real change can't occur until there has been an incumbent genocide in Congress. Trump won't even admit this, and you know Congress isn't going to cooperate with Trump, so he's pretty much just straight up lying.

10-01-2015, 12:00 AM
bernies self restraint being a bad thing. A candidate that actually cares so much for what the people have to say that he literatly let them try to speak their piece

is that what being so terrified of appearing rayciss that you bend over and take it in the ass when screeching harpies of the correct color descend upon your event is called? "Self-restraint"?

Do you think Bern or his security would exercise the same "restraint" and civic virtue if The People who rushed his stage and started screaming were male Whites with shaved heads instead of weaves, shrieking like angry baboons about the genocide of the culture and race that built this country and modernity in general?

Amazing how you twist Bernie's abject terror at appearing on the wrong side of the identity politics narrative, unpresidential cowardice strong to the point of causing his choice to humiliate himself at his own rally, into some kind of populist virtue. Words take on their opposite meanings; submission is bravery. Sounds familiar. How long until you and your friends are literally chanting "ignorance is strength" while bent over being pumped full of black seed every evening of White Repentance Month?

10-01-2015, 12:05 AM
is that what being so terrified of appearing rayciss that you bend over and take it in the ass when screeching harpies of the correct color descend upon your event is called? "Self-restraint"?

Do you think Bern or his security would exercise the same "restraint" and civic virtue if The People who rushed his stage and started screaming were male Whites with shaved heads instead of weaves, shrieking like angry baboons about the genocide of the culture and race that built this country and modernity in general?

Amazing how you twist Bernie's abject terror at appearing on the wrong side of the identity politics narrative, unpresidential cowardice strong to the point of causing his choice to humiliate himself at his own rally, into some kind of populist virtue. Words take on their opposite meanings; submission is bravery. Sounds familiar. How long until you and your friends are literally chanting "ignorance is strength" while bent over being pumped full of black seed every evening of White Repentance Month?

Might you be twisting his desire to not tell a black person upset at the height of the BLM movement to shut up into abject terror?

I have a feeling there is a grey area between our opinions.. a grey area that I do respect more than loath.

10-01-2015, 12:07 AM
Might you be twisting his desire to not tell a black person upset at the height of the BLM movement to shut up into abject terror?

I have a feeling there is a grey area between our opinions.. a grey area that I do respect more than loath.

You still see these actors as human and their nonstop robotic career decisions as personal interactions, like they were one-on-one with you with no camera rolling. This is part of why you are so easy to manipulate. You're the guy who goes back out to the cash machine and later gushes to his friends because the stripper told you she thinks you're sexy.

You might be right that there is some "genuine" desire not to offend this poor emotionally injured dindu, but it's only genuine in the sense that all doublethink is genuine. The lie is realer when you believe it. That doesn't change the fact that you believe it because it is expedient for your career as an identity politicking charlatan.

Bernie probably can't believe himself that he acted out of cowardice, but the fact is that whatever he pretends to feel, and however drastically he needs to use his metaphorical scalpel to rearrange his scarred, barren mind to still appear in-control and presidential in front of a camera after prostrating himself in public, he did not interrupt the black harpie because doing so would put him at risk of incensing a key demographic and that is an outcome that he fears.

10-01-2015, 12:10 AM
i just wanna see the fireworks

like hell im gonna let another generation steal the spectacle

Trump 2016 for a Sea of Holy Fire


10-01-2015, 01:25 AM
First of all you have to get over bernies self restraint being a bad thing. A candidate that actually cares so much for what the people have to say that he literatly let them try to speak their piece, only to find that they were retarded and then removed them, is a great thing.
He didn't remove them, he never spoke at that rally. He up and left after the 'two and a half minutes of silence' when it was clear that they weren't going to shut up. Where the hell do you get your information?
A bad leader kicks a univision press agent out of a press meeting because he challenges their openly false claims about immigration. Something trump did.
Except that part where he let Jorge Ramos back in to ask his questions once he learned to wait his turn like everyone else. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7_HaEOIJhM) So either you are simply ignorant like above or this is a lie of omission since it doesn't fit the narrative you're failing to craft.
So i ask you if trumps policies are a nightmare how can you think he'd make a good president?
He won't. I also challenge you to find a single post where I even alluded that he'd be a "good president". He's an entertaining candidate that is causing much overdue ripples in the political system. After 8 years of Bush and 8 years of (no) "change" he's also the candidate that america deserves right now.
Lastly if yet again a conservative such as yourself
Citation needed
hint: I'm a left leaning centrist liberal libertarian. (Not that you know what any of those actually mean)
is agreeing with liberal policies a decade after you said they wouldn't work,
Where the hell did this baseless assertion come from?
why cant you open your mind to what we're saying now?
Who's "we"?
but the facts are facts.

10-01-2015, 01:28 AM
You really hold that against him?
Yes. With all that's going on right now and how weak our allies are becoming we need less Chamberlain and more Churchill.
If Biden jumps in the race I'll likely shift my support to him.
real change can't occur until there has been an incumbent genocide in Congress.
Agree 100%

10-01-2015, 01:32 AM
Bernie probably can't believe himself that he acted out of cowardice, but the fact is that whatever he pretends to feel, and however drastically he needs to use his metaphorical scalpel to rearrange his scarred, barren mind to still appear in-control and presidential in front of a camera after prostrating himself in public, he did not interrupt the black harpie because doing so would put him at risk of incensing a key demographic and that is an outcome that he fears.

If only the real heroes who fought oppression when the word meant something were still alive today. I wonder what they'd say. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pnKBPSoeQE)

10-01-2015, 01:43 AM
If Biden jumps in the race I'll likely shift my support to him.

Agree 100%


10-01-2015, 01:45 AM
If you think that bernie cant hold his own against anyone in a debate you might want to watch him talk to a concert hall full of religious folks getting through to a lot of people who are divided from him on a lot of issues. It's good stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EujLpZKJ15k

The difference between Bernie and his opponents is he's been a working part of congress for 14 years. The guy has been passing bills left and right too. He does work with congress and has expanded social security reformed all kinds of heath care, ended welfare for corporations. The dude fights hard for shit and the thing is he knows what hes talking about, so he wins.

Im not saying this will be like some silly change mantra. Im just looking at his track record not how I think he'll perform in the media. Which is literately the only asset anyone on the republican ticket has to offer right now.

Anyway, whatever, yeaI know I sound like a Barack 'I want change' idealist to you guys right now, nucular winter with Trump ok fine burn it all who cares.. likely though.. that will just end up being every day is just 24hour phone calls with your creditors. Fuck that.

10-01-2015, 01:49 AM
but burning it all has become necessary. not even soviet bernie kent can save us now

10-01-2015, 01:56 AM
Im just looking at his track record not how I think he'll perform in the media. Which is literately the only asset anyone on the republican ticket has to offer right now.
What you don't understand is that is exactly all there is to assess these people on. You're ready to accept Bernie's delicious gold nuggets.


but burning it all has become necessary. not even soviet bernie kent can save us now

10-01-2015, 02:10 AM
What you don't understand is that is exactly all there is to assess these people on. You're ready to accept Bernie's delicious gold nuggets.

nah I think its naive to say that overall people want our election to be a joke. When the gloves come off it will be about track records, and Bernies is pretty spotless. He's going to destroy whoever hes put up against in any debates.

10-01-2015, 02:18 AM
nah I think its naive to say that overall people want our election to be a joke. When the gloves come off it will be about track records, and Bernies is pretty spotless. He's going to destroy whoever hes put up against in any debates.

Bernie's track record is the opposite of spotless. Google the stuff he wrote when he was 20-30 years old.

TRUMP's track record, on the other hand, is one of unassailable and proven success to the tune of billions.

10-01-2015, 02:24 AM
Bernie's track record is the opposite of spotless. Google the stuff he wrote when he was 20-30 years old.

TRUMP's track record, on the other hand, is one of unassailable and proven success to the tune of billions.

There's like 4 award winning documentaries about how awful he is at running his own business's let alone how horrible of a human being he is. The guy is filthy, hes a train wreck lol

10-01-2015, 02:34 AM
Heres a good clip of Trump failing at building a golf course because of a lone hermit farmer. The guys a joke. https://youtu.be/ADecI4xw-yg?t=685

10-01-2015, 04:34 AM
I really don't understand how anyone can claim TRUMP is an unsuccessful businessman when he's built an empire worth billions. It's like arguing that the sky is red.

Not every venture is life-and-death when you're as huge and diversified as TRUMP. Individual failures are irrelevant when the net result is massive success. An entire TRUMP-branded venture, run by his people, could live and die with the man himself literally doing nothing related to it. You have to do some serious mental gymnastics to think of the man as anything but a huge success; it's literally a mathematical fact.

10-01-2015, 12:00 PM
Nah thats all fantasy agatha. Its how you might think the world works but it isnt even close to how it does.

You guys need to spend less time worrying about war and shit lol

Trump would fail with everything he attempted the same way hes failed at every international business he's attempted.

10-01-2015, 12:11 PM
sanderistas are in full 'no u' mode right now

10-01-2015, 12:51 PM
Donald Trump - the Candidate the KKK can really get behind.

10-01-2015, 03:27 PM
yea, i consider myself to be democrat, my whole family is democrat, but if you can't tell the only way to get into the white house is to be bought wallstreet and other big bis, you are retarded.

as far as im aware trump has funded alot of his own campaign, and won't owe to many favors. Trump would be a strong president, he sticks to his guns and with multiple flash points on the geopolitical stage right now, i believe he would do a better job than any of the guys. I think he is unpredictable and can also close a deal, and when he goes into a meeting with putin i don't think he will be afraid to mention we have one of the most powerful militaries in the world and that he is just crazy enough to order a no fly zone around ukraine and syria.

i have no doubt in my mind he would sail the pacific fleet right up to the south china sea chinese island building and blockade it,

im a democrat, im left leaning, all my views are left leaning, but any reasonable man can see where the future is headed, and if america doesn't start showing incredible resolve militarily we are going to pay for it when it comes to projection of power.

letting russia fly troops into syria to fight our indigenous trained FSA, the russians would not have dreamed it in the past.

china building a military island in the middle of the south china sea, wouldn't have dreamed it.

there is a reason america is great, and its not cause we are good people, its because we project our power around the world and bully countries into doing what we want. and that ability is being scaled back by pussyfooting presidents like obama and his DoD.
LOL, hook line and sinker. PT Barnum was right.

10-01-2015, 03:43 PM
Trump trumps our current prez.

10-01-2015, 03:49 PM
there is a reason america is great

First, DoD is not Obama's. It's been screwed over by his office with lack of funding, or funding cuts.

Second, America is great because of all the shit it did after WW2. This information I am referring to is like a tree with a thousand branches that branch off to thousands of other branches, so no, I am not going to specify.

Basically we are the power house of the world for several simple facts. Anyway, the lack of care for DoD and all Armed Forces has always been the democratic failure.

10-01-2015, 03:57 PM
People should be required to work a government provided job during their period of unemployment while receiving a check

Illegal immigrants need to be tossed the fuck out

10-01-2015, 04:00 PM
People should be required to work a government provided job during their period of unemployment while receiving a check

Illegal immigrants need to be tossed the fuck out
Go go big government!

10-01-2015, 04:19 PM
People should be required to work a government provided job during their period of unemployment while receiving a check

Illegal immigrants need to be tossed the fuck out

How about creating jobs by focusing on america instead of fake xenophobic paranoia and well have less unemployment.

Tell me how well the war on drugs has worked out, before you start talking about a war on immigrants.

10-01-2015, 06:37 PM
Another mass shooting today in a gun free zone.

But of course...

Tell me how well the war on guns has worked out, before you start talking about a war on our military.

10-01-2015, 07:00 PM
And that has exactly what to do with what you quoted?

10-01-2015, 07:00 PM
Another mass shooting today in a gun free zone.

But of course...

maybe?: http://www.oregonfirearms.org/chl-central/prohibited-places

what about this man?


It's October 1st. Aren't you gonna cyberbully me like you promised qtpie? ;)

10-01-2015, 07:01 PM
oh I see, you changed my quote. man fuck you are the worst, fuck you, you beta go back to your fuckn 4chan website.

10-01-2015, 07:02 PM
the school can declare whatever it wants but they have no authority under oregon law to enforce a gun free zone

10-01-2015, 07:03 PM
who cares about the shooting id rather kaga just fucked off already.

10-01-2015, 07:10 PM
Tell me how well the war on drugs has worked out, before you start talking about a war on immigrants.

It's been, and still is, a resounding success. The executive branch has an almost unlimited supply of black money to fund its military arm independent of Congress and has since at least the 80s.

10-01-2015, 07:14 PM
It's been, and still is, a resounding success. The executive branch has an almost unlimited supply of black money to fund its military arm independent of Congress and has since at least the 80s.

Im going to try to irritate you the way you do me from this point forward by responding to everything you ever post with a tumblr gif


10-01-2015, 07:36 PM
Another mass shooting today in a gun free zone.

But of course...


10-01-2015, 08:27 PM
Quit making this school shooting shit about guns ya morans, it's about mental illness. Whether you ban guns or not doesn't really matter, it's a cultural issue. Human beings weren't meant to live in this type of world, with this degree of isolation. Modern Western culture and its insane degree of individualism is a perversion of the natural human way of life. You want to reduce the incidence of this kind of shit? Make damn sure everyone has some kind of support system, is integrated meaningfully into the wider community, or at the very least some access to mental health treatment.

Also, shooter posted on /r9k/ beforehand:


Archived thread:


10-01-2015, 08:38 PM
CNN: 4chan is a club for beta males


10-01-2015, 08:43 PM
CNN: 4chan is a club for beta males


Is this real life? Was this ever real life? Are you actual sentient beings having subjective experiences like my own, or am I alone in this cosmic funhouse?

10-01-2015, 09:07 PM
So much for me braging to my not socialy retarted friends about the beta website I hang out on. GOOD JOB TEAM.


PS more tumble gifs for my beta pals.

10-01-2015, 09:13 PM
So much for me braging to my not socialy retarted friends about the beta website I hang out on. GOOD JOB TEAM.


PS more tumble gifs for my beta pals.

are you implying humans still use 4ching in 2015?

10-01-2015, 09:16 PM
I have no fuckn idea any more man im starting to think ive never once understood a single post youve ever made.

10-01-2015, 09:36 PM
I have no fuckn idea any more man im starting to think ive never once understood a single post youve ever made.

I've been telling you for over a year over and over again that 4chan is kill and that nobody worth a damn associates with that data-mining honeypot anymore.

10-01-2015, 10:56 PM
I've been telling you for over a year over and over again that 4chan is kill and that nobody worth a damn associates with that data-mining honeypot anymore.


10-01-2015, 11:13 PM
Yes, anything that is said to you that doesn't 100% toe your party line goes in one ear and out the other.

Evidence of the contrary to 1 in 4 rape "statistics"? Disregard.

30 years worth of studies disprove the "wage gap" assertion? Disregard.

Mass shootings are a mental health problem? Disregard and blame guns and men!

Censorship isn't limited to government silencing citizens? Disregard and shove a new definition down everyone's throat.

Comprehensive study comes out proving that "sexist" video games and real life gender discrimination are completely unrelated to each other, in fact they find that with the rise of popularity in video games gender discrimination has gone down? Disregard and turn the clock back ten years and start claiming that video games cause violence again.

Just die in a fire already. Don't disregard that, in fact go to the UN and BEG that corporations and governments censor the whole fucking internet like a literal Orwellian nightmare.

10-01-2015, 11:13 PM
I've been telling you for over a year over and over again that 4chan is kill and that nobody worth a damn associates with that data-mining honeypot anymore.

bitch wheres my thread

10-01-2015, 11:14 PM
Yes, anything that is said to you that doesn't 100% toe your party line goes in one ear and out the other.

Evidence of the contrary to 1 in 4 rape "statistics"? Disregard.

30 years worth of studies disprove the "wage gap" assertion? Disregard.

Mass shootings are a mental health problem? Disregard and blame guns and men!

Censorship isn't limited to government silencing citizens? Disregard and shove a new definition down everyone's throat.

Comprehensive study comes out proving that "sexist" video games and real life gender discrimination are completely unrelated to each other, in fact they find that with the rise of popularity in video games gender discrimination has gone down? Disregard and turn the clock back ten years and start claiming that video games cause violence again.

Just die in a fire already. Don't disregard that, in fact go to the UN and BEG that corporations and governments censor the whole fucking internet like a literal Orwellian nightmare.

wheres my thread bitch

10-01-2015, 11:16 PM
Is your name Ranndom? WTF

10-01-2015, 11:17 PM
Nah I kid I was talking to both of you and just wanted to really rustle Ranndom's jimmies. It worked.

10-01-2015, 11:22 PM
Well damn. That makes me feel mad bad sad fat. I was looking forward to it!

10-02-2015, 12:53 AM

CNN: 4chan is a club for beta males


Oh 4chan is totally Club Beta yeah but it can also be damned funny if you know what to avoid (which is a lot). I'm not ashamed to say I visit there on occasion but I don't consider myself a part of that community because let's face it, they're weird and creepy as fuck. I suspect some are acting that way for comedic effect though; like I said it can be damned funny.

So was this shooter posting about it on 4chan? Like did he say "Watch the news tomorrow, I'm gonna shoot people" or something?

10-02-2015, 12:53 AM
I think this is my most successful thread ever by post count.

With the power of TRUMP anything is possible.

Also YIKES. this post really sums up the 4chong userbase since 2007:


Oh 4chan is totally Club Beta yeah but it can also be damned funny if you know what to avoid (which is a lot). I'm not ashamed to say I visit there on occasion but I don't consider myself a part of that community because let's face it, they're weird and creepy as fuck. I suspect some are acting that way for comedic effect though; like I said it can be damned funny.

So was this shooter posting about it on 4chan? Like did he say "Watch the news tomorrow, I'm gonna shoot people" or something?

10-02-2015, 02:08 AM
How does it sum it up? I get my memes from there. It's pretty much all it's good for although there's sometimes a good videogame thread going.

Oh I should have also said one other reason I don't consider myself a part of that community is because I fucking hate anime and the site is plagued with it, like everybody loves it. Like I said I browse it for funny memes and maybe some videogame threads (I don't like reddit).

10-02-2015, 02:40 AM
I fucking hate anime


10-02-2015, 11:52 AM
Quit making this school shooting shit about guns ya morans, it's about mental illness.
Right, because all these other civilized countries with stringent gun laws and far fewer gun deaths per capita than the U.S. - well, shit they must not have many mentally ill among their citizenry!

Maybe it's about both guns AND mental illness. But pick one to "fix", that should do the trick.

10-02-2015, 11:56 AM

"No you cant do anything about guns, its about mental illness!"

"No, you cant do anything about healthcare either, thats communism!"

10-02-2015, 01:53 PM
Democrats: "when the EPA dumps billions of chemicals into rivers, no one should be held accountable."

"When Obama signs TPP and when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, they were somehow different than Margaret thatcher and Ronald Reagan. There is literally no difference, but I'll still vote for my Democratic Party because I have an IQ of 50."

You're right about healthcare though. Too bad your crony capitalist party gave us Obamacare, which didn't fix insurance companies, Big Pharma, or literally anything about the healthcare system. Oh, and the VA definitely wasn't ignoring veterans healthcare under this administration and previous ones. We definitely have ZERO reason to believe our country would be anything other than immaculate in their administration of a national healthcare system.

10-02-2015, 02:03 PM
Democrats: "when the EPA dumps billions of chemicals into rivers, no one should be held accountable."

"When Obama signs TPP and when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, they were somehow different than Margaret thatcher and Ronald Reagan. There is literally no difference, but I'll still vote for my Democratic Party because I have an IQ of 50."

You're right about healthcare though. Too bad your crony capitalist party gave us Obamacare, which didn't fix insurance companies, Big Pharma, or literally anything about the healthcare system. Oh, and the VA definitely wasn't ignoring veterans healthcare under this administration and previous ones. We definitely have ZERO reason to believe our country would be anything other than immaculate in their administration of a national healthcare system.

1. Absurd, but it was an accident, what do you want to do have them executed?

2. When Obama signs the TPP I switch, like a large number of democrats, to support our savior BERNIE SANDERS who is staunchly against the TPP.

3. Obamacare would have been excellent if it were not for REPUBLICANS spouting out the same fear lies and ignorant paranoia about government run healthcare. Our government run healthcare has had a fantastic start, and will continue to grow, even though the shit republican party is dead set on tearing it to pieces with lies and paranoia.

10-02-2015, 02:07 PM
Right, because all these other civilized countries with stringent gun laws and far fewer gun deaths per capita than the U.S. - well, shit they must not have many mentally ill among their citizenry!

Maybe it's about both guns AND mental illness. But pick one to "fix", that should do the trick.

It's not as simple as mental illness either; the United States is unique in its radical individualism, while also almost completely lacking a meaningful social safety net for adolescents and an accessible healthcare system. I'd say you can kind of get by working a minimum wage job or no job at all in a place like Denmark or Germany, if you're a burnout loser who is incapable of integrating productively into society in any greater capacity than that. Try to live that life in the United States and I'm pretty sure we'll grind your humanity out of you, and your existence will be one of abject misery.

Yes, like all complex issues, the sweet spot is a compromise that exists somewhere in the middle. Gun regulation can help. A lot. But it wouldn't solve all our problems. Places like Switzerland and Finland have a ridiculously high amount of guns per capita, without much gun violence (And no it's not because of deterrence 'muh home is murr castle', you inbred white trash rabble), it's largely because of nuances in cultural values (and the absence of Detroits and Chicagos)

Social and cultural engineering is the only real way to solve this problem, and it's never going to happen. I'm talking about something like modular educational cohorts who progress through their education and adolescent development together, and are accountable for each other. One of the luxuries of modern life is that if somebody bothers you, you can likely avoid them entirely. Whether that manifests as white flight after blacks move into your neighborhood, ostracizing annoying sperglords, or city and county zoning shenanigans that keep low income housing segregated far, far away from middle and upper class communities (if they ever build it at all). While nice on an individual basis, this also results in isolation and a general lack of social bonds, which are the recipe for mental illness.

For the hundreds of thousands of years of human life before civilization, we lived in groups of extended family clans where we simply could not avoid those we disliked entirely. I suppose we either dealt with their presence, or crushed them with a rock. Given that depression and mental illness in general are so much more prevalent among developed, modern societies, I think we really need to figure out how to reconcile modern life with the fundamental biology of who we are as humans.

10-02-2015, 02:07 PM
1. Absurd, but it was an accident, what do you want to do have them executed?

2. When Obama signs the TPP I switch, like a large number of democrats, to support our savior BERNIE SANDERS who is staunchly against the TPP.

3. Obamacare would have been excellent if it were not for REPUBLICANS spouting out the same fear lies and ignorant paranoia about government run healthcare. Our government run healthcare has had a fantastic start, and will continue to grow, even though the shit republican party is dead set on tearing it to pieces with lies and paranoia.

1. Yes

2. So is Rick Santorum. He was against NAFTA. So is a large part of the republican base. We'll talk if Bernie gets the nomination.

3. There was NOTHING in Obamacare about the cost of drugs. And no, government run healthcare in this country isn't working, because in the VA, like the EPA, we have no meritocracy. In Singapore, your ass gets fired if you can't do a job, that's why they're regularly in the top 3 of least corrupt nations. Our country is middle of the pack for government effectiveness in western societies, mainly because we don't believe in merit.

10-02-2015, 02:23 PM
1. Yes

2. So is Rick Santorum. He was against NAFTA. So is a large part of the republican base. We'll talk if Bernie gets the nomination.

3. There was NOTHING in Obamacare about the cost of drugs. And no, government run healthcare in this country isn't working, because in the VA, like the EPA, we have no meritocracy. In Singapore, your ass gets fired if you can't do a job, that's why they're regularly in the top 3 of least corrupt nations. Our country is middle of the pack for government effectiveness in western societies, mainly because we don't believe in merit.

Government run healthcare has made my life easier and costs me very little so yes, it is working. Is it perfect? nope, and not because of any reasons you would suggest. It's not because of lazy people or our governments ability to run something. Its once again, because of idiot republicans steamrolling everything, every day with lies, ignorance fear and paranoia without offering any solution.

The republican party is a giant hyperbole of people saying they don't want the government running anything while demanding that the government ban abortions and control contraception. Or that Corporate Politics is ruining our country, but we have to get rid of any government involvement in maintaining any corporate law.

the DNC isnt perfect but I'll be damned if you think they even in the same universe of retardation that the republican party is.

10-02-2015, 02:48 PM
Government run healthcare has made my life easier and costs me very little so yes, it is working. Is it perfect? nope, and not because of any reasons you would suggest. It's not because of lazy people or our governments ability to run something. Its once again, because of idiot republicans steamrolling everything, every day with lies, ignorance fear and paranoia without offering any solution.

The republican party is a giant hyperbole of people saying they don't want the government running anything while demanding that the government ban abortions and control contraception. Or that Corporate Politics is ruining our country, but we have to get rid of any government involvement in maintaining any corporate law.

the DNC isnt perfect but I'll be damned if you think they even in the same universe of retardation that the republican party is.

Obamacare has raised my premiums. That's neither here nor there.

What I'm saying is the two parties are the exact same, despite marketing to the contrary. Yes, they differ on some social issues to fire up their bases (neither has done anything about social issues, they demogogue the issue and wait for the Supreme Court to decide them), but in te hugely important things, like outsourcing, immigrant labor lowering wages, unaccountable government, quid pro quo in politics, they're mirror images of each other. The system isn't working, and Bernie sanders being in 2nd place 13 months before an election doesn't change that, in the same way Rick Santorum not supporting nafta didn't change the fact that the overwhelming majority of the rest of republicans did, and it was signed by Bill Clinton. On the economic issues, which are the only issues that matter, the two parties suck ass and have no daylight between them. Citizens United baby. Congress and the executive branch are bought and paid for.

10-02-2015, 02:53 PM
I now pay, just for myself, 4x what I paid for me and my son 4 years ago under this wonderful forced healthcare. Love it

10-02-2015, 02:54 PM
I disagree that both parties are equally bad, the republican party is far, far, far worse. It really is nieve to just say that both are equally bad.

Anyway as per usual Bernie is steamrolling through this preelection year getting more and more support, even though his opponents love to argue that he is invisible and a non factor: http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/01/444951689/bernie-sanders-raises-26-million-in-third-quarter-nearly-as-much-as-clinton?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=202501

Get ready for the future POTUS Bernie Sanders. Its the way of the future, like it or not.

10-02-2015, 04:04 PM
2015 democrats are just as bad as 2015 republicans because bill clinton 1994

both parties are identical except these really fucking important ways i don't personally care about


10-02-2015, 04:07 PM
if you don't care as much or little about the particular issues that i do, you're just a sheeple being hoodwinked by the guys i disagree with

10-02-2015, 04:10 PM
2015 democrats are just as bad as 2015 republicans because bill clinton 1994

both parties are identical except these really fucking important ways i don't personally care about


TPP is happening now, not in 1994 genius. Hillary is supported by Citigroup today. Social issues aren't important. They are decided by states and courts. The elected federal government does next to nothing about them. And before you say the congress and presidency determine the courts, realize that 5 out of the 9 Supreme Court justices were appointed by republicans but haven't voted that way. It's a joke to believe the two parties are different, it really is.

Free trade and immigration are the only two important issues. Only Bernie sanders and Donald trump have even mentioned this shit.

10-02-2015, 04:10 PM
PS - Bipartisan prison reform. Even that didn't matter, they acted the same. Which is a good thing

10-02-2015, 07:18 PM
Trump, hes really going to fix this country eh? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/29/upshot/trump-plan-is-tax-cut-for-the-rich-even-hedge-fund-managers.html smh

"Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer."

what a surprise :rolleyes:

10-02-2015, 07:30 PM
Trump, hes really going to fix this country eh? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/29/upshot/trump-plan-is-tax-cut-for-the-rich-even-hedge-fund-managers.html smh

"Donald Trump’s tax plan, released Monday, does not live up to the populist language he has offered on taxes all summer."

what a surprise :rolleyes:


10-02-2015, 07:41 PM
there are 2 people that think that moment was a factor, you and kaga.. so no, not a factor.

You can fight it all you want but that man WILL be your next president pal, sorry.

10-02-2015, 07:55 PM
there are 2 people that think that moment was a factor, you and kaga.. so no, not a factor.

You can fight it all you want but that man WILL be your next president pal, sorry.

Average American still doesn't know who he even is. When he actually does something worth reading/talking about things will change. Bernie Sanders is the objectively "best" candidate internally. I still worry about both his electability and capabilities when dealing with overseas issues.

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy Trump stumping the political system overall and I still think that Amurika deserves him and everything he'd bring. If that triggers you, too fucking bad kid.

10-02-2015, 08:04 PM
Average American still doesn't know who he even is. When he actually does something worth reading/talking about things will change. Bernie Sanders is the objectively "best" candidate internally. I still worry about both his electability and capabilities when dealing with overseas issues.

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy Trump stumping the political system overall and I still think that Amurika deserves him and everything he'd bring. If that triggers you, too fucking bad kid.

its smart to be skeptical of him getting the nomination. I still think even IF he polls higher accross the board than Hillary, the nom will still go to her. Its a corperate run system after all right?

But if the #'s are high enough, and its obvious enough, he'll get it. After debates and the press really starts covering the election, I think they will be.


10-02-2015, 08:23 PM
Double XP weekend for Donald Trump as well?

10-02-2015, 08:24 PM
Double XP weekend for Donald Trump as well?

lol every weekend is a double xp weekend for Sanders!

10-03-2015, 04:40 AM
lol every weekend is a double xp weekend for Sanders!

On Odus.

10-03-2015, 08:08 AM
its smart to be skeptical of him getting the nomination. I still think even IF he polls higher accross the board than Hillary, the nom will still go to her. Its a corperate run system after all right?

But if the #'s are high enough, and its obvious enough, he'll get it. After debates and the press really starts covering the election, I think they will be.

I think you're presuming that Sanders actually WANTS to be POTUS. I'm not sure that's the case, so much as he's trying to get a message out.

The Democratic establishment is still about Clinton (follow the money and endorsements). Biden is the backup if she really spits the bit (scandal, illness). Sanders is a worst case scenario for the Dems.

10-03-2015, 01:00 PM
3. Obamacare would have been excellent if it were not for REPUBLICANS spouting out the same fear lies and ignorant paranoia about government run healthcare. Our government run healthcare has had a fantastic start, and will continue to grow, even though the shit republican party is dead set on tearing it to pieces with lies and paranoia.

would have been excellent eh? Obummer got exactly what he wanted in that damn thing, and now my parents who can ill afford it, are forced into the Obamacare bullshit where they have to pay $800/month and have to carry a freaking $13,000 deductible

yep Obamacare sure fixed things

10-03-2015, 01:28 PM
would have been excellent eh? Obummer got exactly what he wanted in that damn thing, and now my parents who can ill afford it, are forced into the Obamacare bullshit where they have to pay $800/month and have to carry a freaking $13,000 deductible

yep Obamacare sure fixed things

You want to fix healthcare, go after the insurance companies who own both Obama and Congress. What did you think would happen when your politicians answer to the people who profit off your sickness, and not to you? But no, you're going to keep crying about "Bayrack, Hoossein, Obamma" until he gets replaced by a clone from either party, at which point you'll bend over and the cycle will continue.

Do you care about this issue? Then repudiate the two-party system and don't vote for a candidate from the Democratic, Republican, or Libertarian parties. Support radical campaign finance reform. (http://www.wolf-pac.com/) The "Ralph Nadering an election" rhetoric is some of the most effective marketing meant to keep you playing by their rules, but it's not an issue if your non-two-party voting extends throughout the entire electoral process.

10-03-2015, 01:47 PM
how effective(or not) has Obamacare been in lowering the rate of people walking away from medical bills, stiffing hospitals and providers in the process. I remember this being a major selling point of the law.

I am asking sincerely I just can't figure out what to google

10-03-2015, 02:41 PM
I think you're presuming that Sanders actually WANTS to be POTUS. I'm not sure that's the case, so much as he's trying to get a message out.

The Democratic establishment is still about Clinton (follow the money and endorsements). Biden is the backup if she really spits the bit (scandal, illness). Sanders is a worst case scenario for the Dems.

The only reason hes a worse case scenario is because he will fight the same corperate controll the DNC is at fault of supporting. Biden is as much of a joke as trump lol it shocks me when people mention him tbh.

Bernie is the peoples canidate. He does want to be potus thats a fact. Just start listening to him and he'll sway your vote.

10-03-2015, 02:43 PM
would have been excellent eh? Obummer got exactly what he wanted in that damn thing, and now my parents who can ill afford it, are forced into the Obamacare bullshit where they have to pay $800/month and have to carry a freaking $13,000 deductible

yep Obamacare sure fixed things

If youre upset about your ill parrents and vote republican while they slash and cut social security, medicade and yes, obamacare, the fault of thier struggle rests squarely on your shoulders.

10-03-2015, 03:27 PM
If youre upset about your ill parrents and vote republican while they slash and cut social security, medicade and yes, obamacare, the fault of thier struggle rests squarely on your shoulders.

You are missing the point, the point is the idiocy of the whole "affordable" healthcare act. We will get everyone insurance. yep buts it's NOT affordable. The only people who benefit from it is the truly poor, who get it for free. The lower to middleclass gets boned. My parents will be fine. We need LESS government, LESS regulations, and go back to personal responsibility, plan ahead for yourself!

I firmly believe we need to stop coddling people, take the warning labels off everything and let things sort themselves out.

The gene pool needs cleansing.

10-03-2015, 03:33 PM
You are missing the point, the point is the idiocy of the whole "affordable" healthcare act. We will get everyone insurance. yep buts it's NOT affordable. The only people who benefit from it is the truly poor, who get it for free. The lower to middleclass gets boned. My parents will be fine. We need LESS government, LESS regulations, and go back to personal responsibility, plan ahead for yourself!

I firmly believe we need to stop coddling people, take the warning labels off everything and let things sort themselves out.

The gene pool needs cleansing.

I don't think you really believe this. Do you understand how monstrous it is?

10-03-2015, 03:39 PM
You are missing the point, the point is the idiocy of the whole "affordable" healthcare act. We will get everyone insurance. yep buts it's NOT affordable. The only people who benefit from it is the truly poor, who get it for free. The lower to middleclass gets boned. My parents will be fine. We need LESS government, LESS regulations, and go back to personal responsibility, plan ahead for yourself!

I firmly believe we need to stop coddling people, take the warning labels off everything and let things sort themselves out.

The gene pool needs cleansing.

Nobody that supported obamacare thought it would just magicaly lower the cost of healthcare while simultaneously providing it for millions overnight.

Thats what seperates liberals from republicans. Liberals know things take work, while republicans think were trying to just flip switches amd fix problems overnhght.

The truth is youre missing the point. By supporting the republican fight against healthcare all youre doing is forcing these problems onto yourself.

Republicans want small government, then to blame government for all thier problems. You guys are reaping what you sewed. It aint obamas fault.

10-03-2015, 05:00 PM
Nobody that supported obamacare thought it would just magicaly lower the cost of healthcare while simultaneously providing it for millions overnight.

Thats what seperates liberals from republicans. Liberals know things take work, while republicans think were trying to just flip switches amd fix problems overnhght.

Liberals didn't even know what was in in the "affordable care" act.

Tell the people who have to pay $300/month for a shitty plan with a $5,000 - $6,000 deductible and still only covers part of the expenses how great it is.

10-03-2015, 05:08 PM
Liberals didn't even know what was in in the "affordable care" act.

Tell the people who have to pay $300/month for a shitty plan with a $5,000 - $6,000 deductible and still only covers part of the expenses how great it is.

I can say it over and over again, it isnt the affordable care acts fault. Its the republican dipshits voted into office by republican voters fault.

Republicans will sit there silent while their elected leaders literately SHUT DOWN the entire government over the affordable care act, because they want it to fail.

Republicans elect leaders that WANT you to suffer, and then they blame the people who want to help them. Its so dumb.

If you are on any gold silver or bronze plan, paying $300 and have a $6,000 deductible you are either a moron or a liar.

10-03-2015, 05:11 PM
I can say it over and over again, it isnt the affordable care acts fault. Its the republican dipshits voted into office by republican voters fault.

Republicans will sit there silent while their elected leaders literately SHUT DOWN the entire government over the affordable care act, because they want it to fail.

Republicans elect leaders that WANT you to suffer, and then they blame the people who want to help them. Its so dumb.

If you are on any gold silver or bronze plan, paying $300 and have a $6,000 deductible you are either a moron or a liar.

It is Obama's fault. He gave the insurance companies profits on a silver platter. Obamacare does nothing to address the cost of healthcare.

Are you some poor person who gets free healthcare because of it or something?

10-03-2015, 05:51 PM
It is Obama's fault. He gave the insurance companies profits on a silver platter. Obamacare does nothing to address the cost of healthcare.

Are you some poor person who gets free healthcare because of it or something?

You can blame Obama all you want, but facts are facts, its not his fault. The ACA before the republicans in the senate got their hands all over it would have been even better than it is now, and it is fucking great.

Again your arguments are an example of thinking that people who wanted the ACA change we'rent aware that it would require cost and effort on our parts. We're not that stupid.

But if you want to blame someone for your higher costs, the FACTS are it is your republican leaders fault. Those same leaders that want you to pay even more, but thankfully liberals wont let them.

Once again, a republican is hurting themselves, blaming the wrong person and championing people who are long dicking them so hard they can give themselves a reach around.

Anyway, I cant argue with you because you argue based on the way you think things are, where as I'm basing my stance on actual events. A common disconnect between any republican vs democratic debate.

10-03-2015, 07:00 PM
Omg the republicans THE REPUBLICANS!

I know my own party is absolute crap shit garbage but THE REPUBLICANS.

Partisan sheep...

10-03-2015, 07:02 PM
Omg the republicans THE REPUBLICANS!

I know my own party is absolute crap shit garbage but THE REPUBLICANS.

Partisan sheep...

The dem party even close to as bad as the republicans, if you dont agree with that you just are missinfirmed or dont pay any attention.

And Im trying to do something about it, by focusing on Bernie Sanders insted of hillary.

What has the republican party done that is GOOD in your life time? name 1 thing.

10-03-2015, 07:32 PM

10-03-2015, 07:43 PM
There's real conservative candidates in the GOP lineup. Trump is not a conservative. He is a flip-flopping fool. He flip flops more than Hillary. Btw, Trump said that Obama will be a great president and that Bush was a lousy president.

Trump will tell Republicans anything they want to hear. He is great friends with the Clintons and he even gave money to their campaigns.

Vote Trump if you want to have four additional years of Obama.

10-03-2015, 07:43 PM

Heh if Reagan was the cause of the fall of the Soviet Union then Obama kicked down the door and KO'd Osama Bin Laden with his bare hands.

Vote Trump if you want to have four additional years of Obama.

really support anyone but Bernie Sanders, and youll get 4 more years of Obama.. Anyone but him will result in Hillary in the white house. Zero Repub candidates stand a chance this go around.

10-03-2015, 07:51 PM
Nobody that supported obamacare thought it would just magicaly lower the cost of healthcare while simultaneously providing it for millions overnight.

Thats what seperates liberals from republicans. Liberals know things take work, while republicans think were trying to just flip switches amd fix problems overnhght.

The truth is youre missing the point. By supporting the republican fight against healthcare all youre doing is forcing these problems onto yourself.

Republicans want small government, then to blame government for all thier problems. You guys are reaping what you sewed. It aint obamas fault.

you are right, it isn't ALL Obama's fault, its librals in general, you guys want to give everyone free healthcare, free schooling, tax breaks, help this country help that country, feed the starving, give money to the jobless ect ect. All are noble acts and in a perfect world yes they are great. Now here is where the difference is between librals and conservatives, we understand someone has to PAY FOR IT ALL and it just is not possible, What ever happened to the one good Dem JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" Its gone and replaced with GIMMEE GIMMEE GIMMEE. Obama is the robinhood of presidents, take from the middle and upperclass and give to the poor in effect making two classes, the poor and the rich. Democrats know there powerbase is the poor and needy so will stop at nothing to keep as many as possible suckling at the goverments teet so they can STAY in power.

It's time to wake up America

10-03-2015, 07:56 PM
I don't think you really believe this. Do you understand how monstrous it is?

I know exactly how monstrous that is, and I stand by the statement. sometimes we need to make the hard choices for the greater good. I am not saying go kill anyone you think is stupid. I am simply saying take the warning labels off stuff. if you are stupid enough to make toast in the bathtub.... Stop interfering with natural selection.

10-03-2015, 07:56 PM
you are right, it isn't ALL Obama's fault, its librals in general, you guys want to give everyone free healthcare, free schooling, tax breaks, help this country help that country, feed the starving, give money to the jobless ect ect. All are noble acts and in a perfect world yes they are great. Now here is where the difference is between librals and conservatives, we understand someone has to PAY FOR IT ALL and it just is not possible, What ever happened to the one good Dem JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" Its gone and replaced with GIMMEE GIMMEE GIMMEE. Obama is the robinhood of presidents, take from the middle and upperclass and give to the poor in effect making two classes, the poor and the rich. Democrats know there powerbase is the poor and needy so will stop at nothing to keep as many as possible suckling at the goverments teet so they can STAY in power.

It's time to wake up America

Wrong.. you are the type of person that says, 'someone has to pay for healthcare, but nobody has to pay for insane military spending, or bailouts to bank companies! NO taxing of the rich, no taxing on the stock market, no taxes for estates! More money for programs that help nobody and cost us more in the long run!"

you are just not smart enough to understand global economics is all.

10-03-2015, 08:16 PM
The dem party even close to as bad as the republicans, if you dont agree with that you just are missinfirmed or dont pay any attention.

And Im trying to do something about it, by focusing on Bernie Sanders insted of hillary.

What has the republican party done that is GOOD in your life time? name 1 thing.

Martin Luther King

Desegregating schools (not in MY lifetime but my parents)

Civil Rights Act (1960s)

The Reagan tax cuts

Won the cold war

A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001): Republicans in Congress forced an unenthusiastic Bill Clinton to balance the budget in his second term.

Welfare reform (1996): After Clinton vetoed two previous versions of welfare reform, Republicans sent it back to him a third time and he finally reluctantly agreed to fulfill has campaign promise and sign the bill.

for starters

10-03-2015, 08:23 PM
Martin Luther King

Desegregating schools (not in MY lifetime but my parents)

Civil Rights Act (1960s)

The Reagan tax cuts

Won the cold war

A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001): Republicans in Congress forced an unenthusiastic Bill Clinton to balance the budget in his second term.

Welfare reform (1996): After Clinton vetoed two previous versions of welfare reform, Republicans sent it back to him a third time and he finally reluctantly agreed to fulfill has campaign promise and sign the bill.

for starters

Basically you have thrown out a bunch of shit, that the republicans cannot take credit for, especially post Bush Jr republicans.

I cannot stress it enough, all of your views are terrible you admittedly want people to suffer and die. You have no reason to be involved in any political conversation.

You are a perfect example of what I have been saying the republican party is, misinformed liars that think with thier gut instead of based on actual facts.

10-03-2015, 08:28 PM
Basically you have thrown out a bunch of shit, that the republicans cannot take credit for, especially post Bush Jr republicans.

I cannot stress it enough, all of your views are terrible you admittedly want people to suffer and die. You have no reason to be involved in any political conversation.

You are a perfect example of what I have been saying the republican party is, misinformed liars that think with thier gut instead of based on actual facts.

yes we are the misinformed liars.. *cough Hillary Clinton*

Librals are the bleeding hearts that think with there heart apologize to our enemies, snub our closest allies and cower away from Putan and spend money on new program after new program but hey " We'll just print more money to pay for it!" or maybe you could sell more baby parts!

10-03-2015, 08:31 PM
Basically you have thrown out a bunch of shit, that the republicans cannot take credit for, especially post Bush Jr republicans.

I cannot stress it enough, all of your views are terrible you admittedly want people to suffer and die. You have no reason to be involved in any political conversation.

You are a perfect example of what I have been saying the republican party is, misinformed liars that think with thier gut instead of based on actual facts.

we cant take credit for? who's the liar now? those are facts weather you choose to believe them or not.

10-03-2015, 08:35 PM
we cant take credit for? who's the liar now? those are facts weather you choose to believe them or not.

> facts
> progressivism
Pick one.

10-03-2015, 08:54 PM
I know exactly how monstrous that is, and I stand by the statement. sometimes we need to make the hard choices for the greater good. I am not saying go kill anyone you think is stupid. I am simply saying take the warning labels off stuff. if you are stupid enough to make toast in the bathtub.... Stop interfering with natural selection.

at least you can admit you're a monster, most with those views can't do that.

however you should still get the fuck out :cool:

being poor is not a moral failing, nor does wealth have anything to do with natural selection or evolution

10-03-2015, 09:01 PM
Eat your bread and scream at your circus, pleb. Nothing could be more important than keeping those dirty bloodthirsty Repugnicans out of office and keeping this country on the right track. Too many plebs with guns, am I right?

*reauthorizes the kidnapping of minors and injection of hummus into their ass with a black dildo, increases funding for behavioral experimentation with Utah Data Center data, and mandates the country borrow money at interest from my racial brethren to fund the "education" of every child in "liberal arts" that perpetuate the cycle of murderous callousness*

10-03-2015, 09:01 PM
Martin Luther King

had to add an lol to this

10-03-2015, 09:03 PM
had to add an lol to this

I fail to see how he is LoL worthy? unless maybe you're racist?

10-03-2015, 09:06 PM
I fail to see how he is LoL worthy? unless maybe you're racist?

it sounded like you were saying he was a republican

is that not what you meant?

10-03-2015, 09:12 PM

You guys get this guy riled up again ? He is a die hard liberal. He isn't going to change his viewpoint regardless of what you say, or any evidence you can provide.

If you're doing it to troll him, congrats. But this isn't rnf.

Don't feed trolls.

10-03-2015, 09:19 PM
it sounded like you were saying he was a republican

is that not what you meant?

I don't believe I posted Jr did I? Sr gave us King Jr who was actually an independent.

10-03-2015, 09:21 PM
You guys get this guy riled up again ? He is a die hard liberal. He isn't going to change his viewpoint regardless of what you say, or any evidence you can provide.

If you're doing it to troll him, congrats. But this isn't rnf.

Don't feed trolls.

You're right, I'm done you can't fix stupid.

10-03-2015, 09:23 PM
You're right, I'm done you can't fix stupid.

you also can't fix asshole, which is what you are

10-03-2015, 09:26 PM
you also can't fix asshole, which is what you are
Ill fix up ur asswhole real nice

10-03-2015, 09:29 PM
Ill fix up ur asswhole real nice

poz my neg hole

10-03-2015, 09:42 PM
You guys get this guy riled up again ? He is a die hard progressive. He isn't going to change his viewpoint regardless of what you say, or any evidence you can provide.

If you're doing it to troll him, congrats. But this isn't rnf.

Don't feed trolls.

Progressives are anything but liberal.

10-03-2015, 09:46 PM
I am going to write my vote in for Samwise the Brave

10-03-2015, 09:51 PM
You guys get this guy riled up again ? He is a die hard liberal. He isn't going to change his viewpoint regardless of what you say, or any evidence you can provide.

If you're doing it to troll him, congrats. But this isn't rnf.

Don't feed trolls.

you cant provide evidence that sways me becuse there is none that says republicans arnt total failures.

Republicans, defund planned parenthood, then complain about liberals making healthcare cost too much :rolleyes:

10-03-2015, 10:04 PM
you cant provide evidence that sways me becuse there is none that says republicans arnt total failures.

Republicans, defund planned parenthood, then complain about liberals making healthcare cost too much :rolleyes:

Do you drool when you talk? wear a helmet and diaper? They are going after planned parenthood because its a damn chop shop for human beings numbnutz

10-03-2015, 10:11 PM
Do you drool when you talk? wear a helmet and diaper? They are going after planned parenthood because its a damn chop shop for human beings numbnutz

To be fair every expert who looked at the footage who didn't report directly to the GoP has stated that the 'raw' footage was "heavily edited".

10-03-2015, 10:17 PM
To be fair every expert who looked at the footage who didn't report directly to the GoP has stated that the 'raw' footage was "heavily edited".

Kaga, will you go on a date with me IRL

10-03-2015, 10:17 PM

Iryd x Kaga, a Hatoful Story

shippin this

10-03-2015, 10:22 PM
lolol im edting it god my eyes, they decive me lol thanks, sorry kaga. FIXED!

10-03-2015, 10:35 PM
To be fair every expert who looked at the footage who didn't report directly to the GoP has stated that the 'raw' footage was "heavily edited".

That's got be the biggest lie I've seen yet, the experts stated the video was NOT heavily edited other than bathroom trips and dinners.

face it, you vote for baby killers, deal with it. at least my party fights wars where they can defend themselves, but babies? you oughta be ashamed to affiliate yourself with scum like that

10-03-2015, 10:38 PM
That's got be the biggest lie I've seen yet, the experts stated the video was NOT heavily edited other than bathroom trips and dinners.

face it, you vote for baby killers, deal with it. at least my party fights wars where they can defend themselves, but babies? you oughta be ashamed to affiliate yourself with scum like that

this fool just said like 4 posts ago he wants people to die and now want babies to live? your political party is full of retards like this.

10-03-2015, 10:42 PM
this fool just said like 4 posts ago he wants people to die and now want babies to live? your political party is full of retards like this.

Just like a libtard to twist things, I said I wanted warning labels removed and if you were stupid enough to take a bath with a toaster, so be it. Those children haven't had a chance to learn, kind of like you. Apparently you think it's ok to tear a baby apart while it's still living in order to harvest it's organs and then sell them for profit. Then have the balls to ask for more funding! this people is the libtard mentality at it's finest

10-03-2015, 10:47 PM
Just like a libtard to twist things, I said I wanted warning labels removed and if you were stupid enough to take a bath with a toaster, so be it. Those children haven't had a chance to learn, kind of like you. Apparently you think it's ok to tear a baby apart while it's still living in order to harvest it's organs and then sell them for profit. Then have the balls to ask for more funding! this people is the libtard mentality at it's finest

You know the thing about republicans is they think everyone in the world is as dumb as they are.. they dont think about things like, if you make abortions illegal people figure out how to do them anyway, they kill themselves to avoidd having babies, they do it by themselves... or how this is something society has known for like 100 years.

You need to spend less time worrying about the sex other people are having, and handle REAL issues that are happening to REAL living people, not imaginary ones you think are so sad they didnt get to grow up.

I mean you really really really need to stop thinking your church group should run the country and just get. fucked.

10-03-2015, 10:50 PM
coat hangar abortions, goes back to the whole warning label thing. second, it's too bad your mother didn't feel so strongly about abortion as you do ;)

10-03-2015, 10:54 PM
also jesus was a liberal so fuck your nazi church group.

10-03-2015, 10:57 PM
That's got be the biggest lie I've seen yet, the experts stated the video was NOT heavily edited other than bathroom trips and dinners.

face it, you vote for baby killers, deal with it. at least my party fights wars where they can defend themselves, but babies? you oughta be ashamed to affiliate yourself with scum like that
It might work flawlessly with iruinedmypants, but for me you're gonna need better bait. :D

10-03-2015, 10:59 PM
also jesus was a liberal so fuck your nazi church group.

yeah, i'm sure Jesus was all for killing babies who never harmed a soul. ok dude. I know it's late and you need a win so you can sleep, so yes, Jesus was a baby murdering organ harvester.

10-03-2015, 10:59 PM
lol nice you really got me there kaga :rolleyes:

10-03-2015, 11:01 PM
yeah, i'm sure Jesus was all for killing babies who never harmed a soul. ok dude. I know it's late and you need a win so you can sleep, so yes, Jesus was a baby murdering organ harvester.

You are a shining example of the republican party. This ladies and gentlemen is exactly the type of idiot that is at fault for all of your problems, be thier healthcare related, or whatever.. its this dipshit and his church group that vote for dipshits just like him.

10-03-2015, 11:01 PM
I hope trump doesn't win the primary because he's an idiot. I'd still vote for him over hillary.

Hell, I'd vote for hitler's jockstrap over hillary.

10-03-2015, 11:03 PM
I hope trump doesn't win the primary because he's an idiot. I'd still vote for him over hillary.

Hell, I'd vote for hitler's jockstrap over hillary.

I don't like Trump either, but he sure does seem to ruffle the idiots feathers, and I like the sideshow for now.

10-03-2015, 11:04 PM
I hope trump doesn't win the primary because he's an idiot. I'd still vote for him over hillary.

Hell, I'd vote for hitler's jockstrap over hillary.

If you dont want hillary in the white house, support Bernie Sanders.. the onlyl thing any one in the republican party would disagree with anything he does is call him self a democratic socialist.

But he is strong on states rights and huge on dismantling corporate government.

Whoever wins the dem nom is going to be the next prez, you can count on that.. so if you dont want hillary, tell your friends and family about Bernie.

10-03-2015, 11:07 PM
I actually want hillary to win the nomination so the republicans will take the white house. I don't like either party very much but at least the GoP doesn't hate me like the dem's do.

Libruls hate straight white men like we're the boogie man.

10-03-2015, 11:08 PM
I actually want hillary to win the nomination so the republicans will take the white house. I don't like either party very much but at least the GoP doesn't hate me like the dem's do.

Libruls hate straight white men like we're the boogie man.

Good point!

10-03-2015, 11:16 PM
I actually want hillary to win the nomination so the republicans will take the white house. I don't like either party very much but at least the GoP doesn't hate me like the dem's do.

I remember when I was worried that Mitt Romney might win the election but when he lost by something like 130 electoral votes, I realized that the republican base is loud, but there are way less dimwitted idiots than I thought out there.

There is no chance any of the people in the running for the republican nom have a chance.

you need to get MORE than just the republican HALF of the nation to vote for you to win the election, that means you have to get democrats to join forces.. there isnt a democrat in the universe that would vote for any of the sara palins you guys have up there lol

seriously only the base will be voting republican, you might get 1 democrat to swap, just because he loves the apprentice so much.. maybe 1. and even with that I feel like I'm being generous.

your only hope is to help Bernie Sanders lock her out.

10-03-2015, 11:24 PM
I remember when I was worried that Mitt Romney might win the election but when he lost by something like 130 electoral votes, I realized that the republican base is loud, but there are way less dimwitted idiots than I thought out there.

There is no chance any of the people in the running for the republican nom have a chance.

you need to get MORE than just the republican HALF of the nation to vote for you to win the election, that means you have to get democrats to join forces.. there isnt a democrat in the universe that would vote for any of the sara palins you guys have up there lol

seriously only the base will be voting republican, you might get 1 democrat to swap, just because he loves the apprentice so much.. maybe 1. and even with that I feel like I'm being generous.

your only hope is to help Bernie Sanders lock her out.

You are seriously funny, thank you for the entertainment tonight. The best part is, you do not even realize how funny you are.

10-03-2015, 11:30 PM
After the whole George w bush thing, the country would have elected charels manson over a republican, and now Obama is worse yet ( yes the polls show his approval rating is lower than bushes was) now there is no way people will elect any democrat. the public has a short memory. hell the media knows it, why you think there is like no coverage of the democrat campaigns? they know the republican primary IS the election.

10-03-2015, 11:41 PM
After the whole George w bush thing, the country would have elected charels manson over a republican, and now Obama is worse yet ( yes the polls show his approval rating is lower than bushes was) now there is no way people will elect any democrat. the public has a short memory. hell the media knows it, why you think there is like no coverage of the democrat campaigns? they know the republican primary IS the election.

no Obama is worse, for YOU because you are a fucked up religious extremist.. he is fantastic for the vast majorette of the nation and world.

The reason there is no coverage of the democratic run for nomination is because the media wants Hillary to get the nom, because shes a corporate politician.. if they show any of what bernie has to say, the whole nation would turn to support him.

That and the fucking freak show your party put together is like watching a train wreck full of clown cars.

The republican party is a huge joke and stands no chance at sitting in the white house for at least another 16 years.

10-03-2015, 11:44 PM
After the whole George w bush thing, the country would have elected charels manson over a republican, and now Obama is worse yet ( yes the polls show his approval rating is lower than bushes was) now there is no way people will elect any democrat. the public has a short memory. hell the media knows it, why you think there is like no coverage of the democrat campaigns? they know the republican primary IS the election.

There is no coverage of the Democrat campaigns because:

1. They haven't started campaigning yet. They have nothing to gain by campaigning so early.

2. Sanders isn't supported by the Democratic party and the establishment as a whole, so his media attention is minuscule.

You are laughably uninformed. Which Republican candidate is it you think has a chance? Please tell me you're not naive enough to tell me it's the one who is using the drama inherent in the electoral process to advance his own personal brand, you know, the one who will never get a single Hispanic vote? Or is it the clown car of right-wing radicals who would never get a single moderate vote?

If Hillary, Biden, or Sanders isn't the next President of the United States, I want you to quote me this post and it will be redeemable for one Fungi tunic. Until then, I'll enjoy your tears as you watch a bunch of pussy liberals wipe their asses with the stars and bars. Enjoy your taxes, and God Bless America.

10-03-2015, 11:46 PM
Obama is fantastic for the vast majorette of the nation and world.

You're just trolling now.

Shifting into full-retard mode won't erase the fact that you showed yourself for the hoodwinked pleb you are when you were still arguing in good faith from our memories.

TRUMP 2016

10-03-2015, 11:52 PM
You are missing the point, the point is the idiocy of the whole "affordable" healthcare act. We will get everyone insurance. yep buts it's NOT affordable. The only people who benefit from it is the truly poor, who get it for free. The lower to middleclass gets boned. My parents will be fine. We need LESS government, LESS regulations, and go back to personal responsibility, plan ahead for yourself!

I firmly believe we need to stop coddling people, take the warning labels off everything and let things sort themselves out.

The gene pool needs cleansing.

quoting because I am severely rustled at this asshole and his asshole opinions.

is this an accurate representation of the average republican voter?

10-04-2015, 12:12 AM
You're just trolling now.

Did I say he was loved by the vast majority? no but his policies are beneficial to the vast vast majority of people both here and abroad.

10-04-2015, 12:14 AM
quoting because I am severely rustled at this asshole and his asshole opinions.

is this an accurate representation of the average republican voter?

Nope, that MY stance, I deal idiots every day and it's tiresome.

You want to know WHY health cost are so high? a good portion of it is malpractice lawsuits and the insurance that doctors have to get because of them. you want to lower costs, stop awarding big money to morons who spill hot coffee in there laps, or to the real brain trust that ripped his nose off with a chordless drill because it turned on when he was scratching the inside of his nose with the drill bit! Stop placing blame where it doesn't belong. Make laws to protect doctors and health care facilities from these stupid lawsuits by ambulance chasers and you will see costs go down. but no lets just force people to buy insurance they can't afford and if they don't, then we'll fine them! yep sound plan to me

10-04-2015, 12:19 AM
Did I say he was loved by the vast majority? no but his policies are beneficial to the vast vast majority of people both here and abroad.

oh geez, really? what has he done for the vast majority? since he's been in office I've not seen a cost of living wage until 6 month ago, my effective wages stagnated while the cost of living went up. our allies no longer like us or do not trust that we have their back anymore, he's let Putin run amok, and all but handed a nuclear weapon to Iran in a deal they made while Iranians chanted death to America the whole time. We didn't even get the hostages out in trade, we got NOTHING.

10-04-2015, 12:21 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to mention during his reign we have had race tensions escalate to levels not seen in 60+ years and more mass shooting than I can ever remember.

10-04-2015, 12:28 AM
Nope, that MY stance, I deal idiots every day and it's tiresome.

You want to know WHY health cost are so high? a good portion of it is malpractice lawsuits and the insurance that doctors have to get because of them. you want to lower costs, stop awarding big money to morons who spill hot coffee in there laps, or to the real brain trust that ripped his nose off with a chordless drill because it turned on when he was scratching the inside of his nose with the drill bit! Stop placing blame where it doesn't belong. Make laws to protect doctors and health care facilities from these stupid lawsuits by ambulance chasers and you will see costs go down. but no lets just force people to buy insurance they can't afford and if they don't, then we'll fine them! yep sound plan to me

1. you're a grade A moron. not only do individual lawsuits have a neglible effect on the system as a whole, you're conflating medical lawsuits(malpractice) with injury lawsuits

2. bolded, read the following

there's a picture of the burns in there, please view it and tell me you can still have such a wrong opinion

3. suck my cock you wookie brained bitch

10-04-2015, 12:29 AM
Nope, that MY stance, I deal idiots every day and it's tiresome.

This is exactly what I have been talking about. The republican party literately is made of these idiots.. Look at their candidates, they all have his fucking perspective.

The party has been Sara Palin'ed and is totally worthless, and thankfully these idiots are only in the like 20-30million in numbers, not enough to ever elect a national figure... unfortunately enough to elect a lot of small state figures, hence our special Olympics senate.

10-04-2015, 12:33 AM
1. you're a grade A moron. not only do individual lawsuits have a neglible effect on the system as a whole, you're conflating medical lawsuits(malpractice) with injury lawsuits

2. bolded, read the following

there's a picture of the burns in there, please view it and tell me you can still have such a wrong opinion

3. suck my cock you wookie brained bitch

yes I get my facts from snopes too ... and you call me the moron

I will am big enough man to admit, I did mix the injury lawsuits in there. but I have a doctor in my family, and I've heard the outrageous costs of malpractice insurance. I've heard the stories of some stuff the doctors she has worked with have been sued over, those costs I assure you are not negligible.

10-04-2015, 12:34 AM
I love that I've rustled your jimmies so much that you can only resort to "suck my cock" typical libral drivel

10-04-2015, 12:36 AM
This is exactly what I have been talking about. The republican party literately is made of these idiots.. Look at their candidates, they all have his fucking perspective.

The party has been Sara Palin'ed and is totally worthless, and thankfully these idiots are only in the like 20-30million in numbers, not enough to ever elect a national figure... unfortunately enough to elect a lot of small state figures, hence our special Olympics senate.

pathius is the best for demonstrating how retarded core republican voters are

10-04-2015, 12:38 AM
I love that I've rustled your jimmies so much that you can only resort to "suck my cock" typical libral drivel

hes trying to use language your could understand or deserve .

10-04-2015, 12:46 AM
I know the facts hurt, that's why you guys resort to personal attacks and swearing, it's OK I did that when I was 15 too, but, there is a bright side, one day you will grow up be real men and the world won't be so scary.

10-04-2015, 12:47 AM
I know the facts hurt, that's why you guys resort to personal attacks and swearing, it's OK I did that when I was 15 too, but, there is a bright side, one day you will grow up be real men and the world won't be so scary.

what facts? lol the entire conversation from dawn till now today has been about how you have no facts to backup any statements, and you speak only from your gut and personal opinions... based on your form account creation and post # Im sure you are made specifically to troll this thread and are really just a beta anon who should be on 4chan instead of here.

10-04-2015, 12:52 AM
what facts? lol the entire conversation from dawn till now today has been about how you have no facts to backup any statements, and you speak only from your gut and personal opinions... based on your form account creation and post # Im sure you are made specifically to troll this thread and are really just a beta anon who should be on 4chan instead of here.

I've given you facts, and you ignore them just like all your Dems in office do, you only believe that which fits your narrative.

as for my account I have been playing regularly and only really lurked the boards but got sick of all the libral propaganda you people spew on the daily.

10-04-2015, 12:57 AM
I've given you facts, and you ignore them just like all your Dems in office do, you only believe that which fits your narrative.

as for my account I have been playing regularly and only really lurked the boards but got sick of all the libral propaganda you people spew on the daily.

you have stated zero facts so far.

10-04-2015, 12:58 AM
please get hit by a bus

10-04-2015, 01:00 AM
please get hit by a bus

aww I love you too

10-04-2015, 02:44 PM
really support anyone but Bernie Sanders, and youll get 4 more years of Obama.. Anyone but him will result in Hillary in the white house. Zero Repub candidates stand a chance this go around.

I disagree; let me explain. There is a large difference between Sanders and Clinton. Sanders is even further left than Clinton. Clinton is, imo, to the right of Obama who is closer to Sanders.

Any of the GOP candidates, with the exception of Trump, are well to the right of center. Trump is a lefty who has had a very recent "conversion" to the Republican party. Notice how I state that, since Trump is not a conservative, but is a Republican in name only.

So, here is how I see it. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He appeals to the Democratic party base which is very polarized to the left at this time. Clinton is a moderate Democrat (she will not be a 3rd term of Obama). In fact, had she been president we would still see DOMA in effect and there would be no national policy on gay marriage. She has only recently came out in support of gay marriage and "rights" in order to play to her base.

The Republicans have Bush who is just right of center. He is, imo, a RINO. Opposite Bush on the conservative scale is Cruz, who is probably the most conservative of all the GOP candidates. Now pepper in between Bush and Cruz the rest of the GOP candidates and you have your scale. Trump is the exception, since he belongs over with the Democrats. I don't think he would have tried to run as a Democrat for two reasons: 1) he is great friends with Hillary (they have a long history together) and 2) he is a pragmatist that knows he has a better chance of tying up a nomination with Republicans than the Democrats whose base greatly favor socialism at this point in time.

None of these candidates give us an Obama 3rd term except for Trump, imo. Trump thought highly of Obama and agreed with his policies before his "conversion experience" to the Republican party.


10-04-2015, 02:52 PM
Yea thats all fine and dandy but none of that stuff means these republican canidatesstand a chance against hillary OR sanders.

Whoever wins the dem nom is who will win the election. Republicans are polling in the 20th percentile nationally lol thats an all time low, following an election where they lost by nearly 2x the electoral votes.

The republican party is as of now? Just a state elected party.

If i was a betting man i would bet a cent on the republicans.

My point is if you dont like hillary, bernie beating her in the primaries is the only way to keep her out of the white house.

10-04-2015, 02:56 PM
I agree with Lurikeen on mostly everything.

If trump doesn't get the nomination I'll move to sanders if he is still available.

I am hoping Sanders survives, because I don't believe Trump will. More people are ready to swing from Trump to Sanders than people realize. Trump is a big lefty.

10-04-2015, 02:58 PM
My point is if you dont like hillary, bernie beating her in the primaries is the only way to keep her out of the white house.

Not so. Hillary desperately needs the support of women. Her polling with women is consistently sinking, her largest issue being that of trust. Women don't trust her.

My bet is that if Biden gets into the race, he will get the nomination. If Biden stays out of the race, then Sanders gets the nomination while Hillary falls flat.

Of course, it is all too early to say what will be what.

10-04-2015, 03:10 PM
Women don't trust her.



10-04-2015, 04:48 PM
I disagree; let me explain. There is a large difference between Sanders and Clinton. Sanders is even further left than Clinton. Clinton is, imo, to the right of Obama who is closer to Sanders.

Any of the GOP candidates, with the exception of Trump, are well to the right of center. Trump is a lefty who has had a very recent "conversion" to the Republican party. Notice how I state that, since Trump is not a conservative, but is a Republican in name only.

So, here is how I see it. Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He appeals to the Democratic party base which is very polarized to the left at this time. Clinton is a moderate Democrat (she will not be a 3rd term of Obama). In fact, had she been president we would still see DOMA in effect and there would be no national policy on gay marriage. She has only recently came out in support of gay marriage and "rights" in order to play to her base.

The Republicans have Bush who is just right of center. He is, imo, a RINO. Opposite Bush on the conservative scale is Cruz, who is probably the most conservative of all the GOP candidates. Now pepper in between Bush and Cruz the rest of the GOP candidates and you have your scale. Trump is the exception, since he belongs over with the Democrats. I don't think he would have tried to run as a Democrat for two reasons: 1) he is great friends with Hillary (they have a long history together) and 2) he is a pragmatist that knows he has a better chance of tying up a nomination with Republicans than the Democrats whose base greatly favor socialism at this point in time.

None of these candidates give us an Obama 3rd term except for Trump, imo. Trump thought highly of Obama and agreed with his policies before his "conversion experience" to the Republican party.


bolded, underlined, and italicized!


10-04-2015, 07:00 PM
Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of over 20,000 people in Massachusetts Saturday night. It was the largest rally in the state in recent history, according to the Boston Globe, topping the crowd of 10,000 that came out eight years ago for Barack Obama. (http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/sanders-draws-crowd-over-20000-boston)

He just is rocking and rolling through the media coverage free run for the next Potus yall

10-04-2015, 07:50 PM
^Bro, I only read back a couple of pages and your ignorance is astounding. I'd vote for a socialist too if I wanted to sit on my ass expecting everyone else to take care of me. More time for video games, yeah? Get out of this country if you want to give up all the precious freedoms we enjoy in AMERICA.

"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Oh and I won't be returning to this thread to read your mindless drivel. I already wasted 2 minutes responding that I'll never get back. I suggest you shut up and go make something of yourself. Because based on what I'm reading, you probably work at McDonald's and expect more than minimum wage for working an entry level job. Just..shut...up.

10-04-2015, 08:04 PM
^Bro, I only read back a couple of pages and your ignorance is astounding. I'd vote for a socialist too if I wanted to sit on my ass expecting everyone else to take care of me. More time for video games, yeah? Get out of this country if you want to give up all the precious freedoms we enjoy in AMERICA.

"If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom." -Dwight D. Eisenhower

Oh and I won't be returning to this thread to read your mindless drivel. I already wasted 2 minutes responding that I'll never get back. I suggest you shut up and go make something of yourself. Because based on what I'm reading, you probably work at McDonald's and expect more than minimum wage for working an entry level job. Just..shut...up.

What an angry serf. Get back to your field, serf, and work harder. The boss needs a 23% increase in income this quarter in order to afford a new yacht.

10-04-2015, 08:25 PM
Doesn't seem like much of a discussion here.

Mostly name calling and passive aggressive troll baiting.

10-04-2015, 10:58 PM
^Bro, I only read back a couple of pages and your ignorance is astounding

every time I read someone say something like you did in the first part of your sentence, i think.. oh shit here comes someone more educated than me about to tell me why Im wrong and its goin-- oh wait no, its a fuckin 70 year old dipshit that is afraid of communism and shit.

10-05-2015, 01:19 AM
Doesn't seem like much of a discussion here.

Mostly name calling and passive aggressive troll baiting.

i'd prefer to think of my posts as angry incoherent yelling thank you

10-05-2015, 01:28 AM
Id prefer to think of my posts as revenge for idiot republicans telling me I didn't know what I was talking about while turned the other cheek & let their asshole president GWBJR run this country into the fucking ground.

10-05-2015, 01:43 AM
Id prefer to think of my posts as revenge for idiot republicans telling me I didn't know what I was talking about while turned the other cheek & let their asshole president GWBJR run this country into the fucking ground.

The nerd rage is strong with this one

I like to picture the kid in his sig link, foaming at the mouth , hair all tussled, eyes popping out of his head screaming " damn you George!" while shaking his fist at the sky as a little bit of spittle dribbles down his chin.

10-05-2015, 01:51 AM
The nerd rage is strong with this one

I like to picture the kid in his sig link, foaming at the mouth , hair all tussled, eyes popping out of his head screaming " damn you George!" while shaking his fist at the sky as a little bit of spittle dribbles down his chin.

i like to picture you bleeding out on the pavement after my boy bernie beats you with a cinderblock

10-05-2015, 03:07 AM
I disagree; let me explain. There is a large difference between Sanders and Clinton. Sanders is even further left than Clinton. Clinton is, imo, to the right of Obama who is closer to Sanders.

you have a way of implying indirectly that at least 1 of the neocons listed here is a lefty without ever actually committing to the thought

It's like you know the truth, but have had the ability to use sentences that contradict CNN chemically extracted.

10-05-2015, 11:55 AM
you have a way of implying indirectly that at least 1 of the neocons listed here is a lefty without ever actually committing to the thought

It's like you know the truth, but have had the ability to use sentences that contradict CNN chemically extracted.

I think what he is trying to say is the scale of moderate to batshit crazy looks like this

|------------Hillary ------------------------------------------Bernie ----Obama --|

10-05-2015, 01:54 PM
The nerd rage is strong with this one

I like to picture the kid in his sig link, foaming at the mouth , hair all tussled, eyes popping out of his head screaming " damn you George!" while shaking his fist at the sky as a little bit of spittle dribbles down his chin.

hmm no, it was more like, "uh this administrations policies are dangerous and ruining our economy" and then all of your ilk were 'foaming at the mouth' calling sceptics of the Bush administration un-patriotic, how DARE we say something bad about our commander and cheif! respect the man in the office! bla bla bla..

...and then obama got elected and you and your ilk started calling him an Illuminati Communist Muslim.

10-05-2015, 02:21 PM
hmm no, it was more like, "uh this administrations policies are dangerous and ruining our economy" and then all of your ilk were 'foaming at the mouth' calling sceptics of the Bush administration un-patriotic, how DARE we say something bad about our commander and cheif! respect the man in the office! bla bla bla..

...and then obama got elected and you and your ilk started calling him an Illuminati Communist Muslim.

Nope, I just called the guy an idiot, as he promised to unite the country has done nothing but cause racial dived and class warfare. I don't think you are unpatriotic in the least, I think you really do love the country and think that the libral mentalities truly are the way to fix things, you're wrong, but I really do think your heart is in the right spot. Now Hillary? I think she is just plain evil and cares only about one thing, herself.

to be perfectly honest, I have more respect for you and others who disagree with me, than those who do not vote, do not have an opinion and not care even enough to keep one eye on the current events news.

10-05-2015, 03:20 PM
Just remember people, every time you go to the polls you have a choice: Do you want to eat shit or drink piss?

10-05-2015, 04:03 PM
to be perfectly honest, I have more respect for you and others who disagree with me, than those who do not vote, do not have an opinion and not care even enough to keep one eye on the current events news.

hmm funny how you support a political party that is notorious for trying to disenfranchise voters and prevent parties that vote against them from voting at all.

Republicans Admit to disanfranchising Democratic voters (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/28/republicans-admit-voter-id-laws-are-aimed-at-democratic-voters.html)
Big list of HP articles about republican voter fraud and disenfranchisement (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/voter-disenfranchisement/)
GOP's state by state crusade to disenfranchise voters. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-gops-state-by-state-crusade-to-disenfranchise-voters/2011/07/25/gIQAsMmpaI_story.html)

yea, Hillary is evil :rolleyes:

10-05-2015, 05:24 PM
hmm funny how you support a political party that is notorious for trying to disenfranchise voters and prevent parties that vote against them from voting at all.

Republicans Admit to disanfranchising Democratic voters (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/08/28/republicans-admit-voter-id-laws-are-aimed-at-democratic-voters.html)
Big list of HP articles about republican voter fraud and disenfranchisement (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/voter-disenfranchisement/)
GOP's state by state crusade to disenfranchise voters. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-gops-state-by-state-crusade-to-disenfranchise-voters/2011/07/25/gIQAsMmpaI_story.html)

yea, Hillary is evil :rolleyes:

Cant tell if you are trolling, or just that stupid

10-05-2015, 05:47 PM
Cant tell if you are trolling, or just that stupid

I really cant tell how you think me providing links and it being a known fact that the republican party is.. wait why the fuck would I repeat myself?

Im not trolling, explane to me why you think republicans are not trying to disenfranchise voters accross the nation, when its a well known fact that they are, they even admit it.

I dont understand, whats so hard for you to understand?

10-05-2015, 05:56 PM
We are in the 2nd Revolutionary War, not heard around the world by a firearm sound, but by the bulletsharp words of Donald Trump hitting the Bullseye. We got the message. We are already at war with the Evil in our government. They will loose again and Freedom and the USA will be saved.

10-05-2015, 06:11 PM
I really cant tell how you think me providing links and it being a known fact that the republican party is.. wait why the fuck would I repeat myself?

Im not trolling, explane to me why you think republicans are not trying to disenfranchise voters accross the nation, when its a well known fact that they are, they even admit it.

I dont understand, whats so hard for you to understand?

1.you provided links to your democrat propaganda machine nothing more.

2.There is no excuse to not have a photo ID, none. you people cryed like little bitches when it was brought up, so we came up with a way to make photo IDs free, but yet its still SOOOOOOOOOO anti poor, bullshit, there is no excuse, you need a photo id for everything these days, The fact of the matter is you need those illeagal votes to hold onto your power. I remember seeing this old fat black woman after the last election say right into the camera " I am so happy, I voted for Barack 5 times!"

10-05-2015, 06:24 PM
1.you provided links to your democrat propaganda machine nothing more.

First of all, this is something the republican party admits to. This isn't propaganda.

Second of all, you cant just say 'well I think it should be like this and people should do as I say' and the world will suddenly, be the way you want it.. you are just a lone idiot, your opinions on this doesn't matter. What matters is the LAW and its a LAW that the republican party breaks, admittedly...

And im pointing out that YOU saying you have less disdain for people that disagree with you than for people that vote... I find it ironic that you simultaneously support a party that specifically DOESNT WANT PEOPLE TO VOTE...

but then again, everything a republican party member says compared to what they do is completely hypocritical & ironic.. let alone moronic.

10-05-2015, 06:31 PM
First of all, this is something the republican party admits to. This isn't propaganda.

Second of all, you cant just say 'well I think it should be like this and people should do as I say' and the world will suddenly, be the way you want it.. you are just a lone idiot, your opinions on this doesn't matter. What matters is the LAW and its a LAW that the republican party breaks, admittedly...

And im pointing out that YOU saying you have less disdain for people that disagree with you than for people that vote... I find it ironic that you simultaneously support a party that specifically DOESNT WANT PEOPLE TO VOTE...

but then again, everything a republican party member says compared to what they do is completely hypocritical & ironic.. let alone moronic.

again, you get your so called facts from the lies your propaganda machine spews. None wants to stop LEGAL people from voting no matter what lies you've told yourself I can't argue with a lunatic, so I am done with you, go worship at the altar of Wolf Blitzer and enjoy your clueless life

10-05-2015, 06:36 PM
again, you get your so called facts from the lies your propaganda machine spews. None wants to stop LEGAL people from voting no matter what lies you've told yourself I can't argue with a lunatic, so I am done with you, go worship at the altar of Wolf Blitzer and enjoy your clueless life

You are so fucking stupid you are literatly the stupidest person i have ever talked to on these forums.

Im fucking arguing with this bitch right now:


That is you isnt it? god you are fucking stupid and worthless and I dont like you one bit.

10-05-2015, 06:43 PM
again, you get your so called facts from the lies your propaganda machine spews. None wants to stop LEGAL people from voting no matter what lies you've told yourself I can't argue with a lunatic, so I am done with you, go worship at the altar of Wolf Blitzer and enjoy your clueless life
It's entertaining as hell watching you two accuse each other of bias. Self-awareness is in such short supply these days.

10-05-2015, 06:49 PM
It's entertaining as hell watching you two accuse each other of bias. Self-awareness is in such short supply these days.

hmm I am by no means suggesting that I am not biased... but that doesn't change the fact that republicans are both hypocrites AND liars... Or that the unbiased news sources I linked posting facts, not OP ED articles, are in anyway less credible because of my own personal biases...

10-05-2015, 10:22 PM
Statistics and facts don't win elections.

10-06-2015, 08:11 AM
Are these retarded cultural marxist SJWs still at it?

Trump has u rustled dawg.

10-06-2015, 03:49 PM
Trump and Sanders both agree how shitty Obama/Hillary's TPP is.

10-06-2015, 04:39 PM
Trump and Sanders both agree how shitty Obama/Hillary's TPP is.

lets shake up the systme Berne Vs Trump 2016!

would be fun

10-06-2015, 04:42 PM
lets shake up the systme Berne Vs Trump 2016!

would be fun

I've only been saying exactly that this whole thread.

10-06-2015, 04:43 PM
I've only been saying exactly that this whole thread.

I dont know why you think I hate you so much, you want me to die in a fire, I just think its weird that you are a conservative considering you are a smart enough sounding forum troll to know better.

10-06-2015, 05:00 PM
you are a conservative.

Again with this assertion. You are really that engrossed in toeing your party's line that anyone not further left than Pol Pot is a "conservative" to you.

I'm a liberal liberation center-left and a registered democrat.

You should be smart enough to not fall in the authoritarian left's "libertarians = republicans" trap.

10-06-2015, 05:14 PM
The kaga iruinedyourday romantic drama continues


10-06-2015, 05:16 PM
Again with this assertion. You are really that engrossed in toeing your party's line that anyone not further left than Pol Pot is a "conservative" to you.

I'm a liberal liberation center-left and a registered democrat.

You should be smart enough to not fall in the authoritarian left's "libertarians = republicans" trap.

is this much different from describing yourself as a genderqueer polyamorous dolphin?

identity, man

10-06-2015, 05:25 PM
Where you land on a political compass isn't an identity. Nice try though?

10-06-2015, 05:35 PM
I disagree, if you believe in social Darwinism for example or that everything in the media is propaganda and that guns don't kill people and you refuse to believe that actual studies actually have merit and science is witchraft.. and all that other bullshit republicans and conservatives like to believe in and that guides your political stance...

that's your identity landing on a political compass.. its become more of your identity and less of a political stance.

10-06-2015, 06:18 PM
None of those things are what you would find on a political compass test.

10-06-2015, 06:46 PM
I think what he is trying to say is the scale of moderate to batshit crazy looks like this

|------------Hillary ------------------------------------------Bernie ----Obama --|

That is a decent way to graph what I am getting at.

What I am saying is this. Hillary is plain loony tunes and those further to her left are not merely "batshit crazy" but worse than that; they are full blown socialists.

I am also saying that Trump is not a conservative and he rightfully belongs on the scale with the Democrats.

10-06-2015, 06:54 PM
That is a decent way to graph what I am getting at.

What I am saying is this. Hillary is plain loony tunes and those further to her left are not merely "batshit crazy" but worse than that; they are full blown socialists.

lets just say someone was a socialist, how is being a socialist "batshit crazy" lol

10-06-2015, 06:56 PM
lets just say someone was a socialist, how is being a socialist "batshit crazy" lol

Do you really want to have a government force the redistribution of your hard earned wealth to others who might not have worked hard, might not have worked a day in their life? If you answer, "yes" then that is bat shit crazy.

10-06-2015, 07:05 PM
Do you really want to have a government force the redistribution of your hard earned wealth to others who might not have worked hard, might not have worked a day in their life? If you answer, "yes" then that is bat shit crazy.

But you totally refuse to believe that the cost of people not smart enough to work as hard as I am is greater if they have no money than if we give them support?

Also do you like roads? I like roads. I also like water and parks. I like having a fire department too and police. Should we get rid of all of these? or is there a line that can be drawn where you are like, no socialism is good for SOME things but not other things?

10-06-2015, 07:12 PM
But you totally refuse to believe that the cost of people not smart enough to work as hard as I am is greater if they have no money than if we give them support?

Also do you like roads? I like roads. I also like water and parks. I like having a fire department too and police. Should we get rid of all of these? or is there a line that can be drawn where you are like, no socialism is good for SOME things but not other things?

What you're suggesting is not socialism. Community is a great thing (not communal-ism, and not communism). Where caring for our neighbor typically goes wrong is when a group of people give ownership of the goods of the community to the government, or give enormous regulatory powers to the government over the means of production, such that nobody can earn a wage without the government established by this group dictating how the wealth is to be used.

10-06-2015, 07:17 PM
What you're suggesting is not socialism. Community is a great thing (not communal-ism, or even communism). Where caring for our neighbor typically goes wrong is when a group of people give ownership of the goods of the community to the government, or give enormous regulatory powers to the government over the means of production, such that nobody can earn a wage without the government established by this group dictating how the wealth is to be used.

wait you cant just get to re-define how our goverment uses our taxes in this debate.

You pay taxes.

The government uses taxes to pay for roads/bridges/police/fire department/water/education/healtcare/you name it...

Thats not a community.. there are no communities that do this lol.. its literately taxes>government uses them to make life better.

its the one job of government, to maintain order. To do this it costs money, the money comes from taxes.

Do you believe that we should just remove government from the equation and let everyone fend for themselves?

If you don't, then you believe in Socialism.. we are a democratic socialist country weather you want to believe it or not.

10-06-2015, 07:17 PM
Do you really want to have a government force the redistribution of your hard earned wealth to others who might not have worked hard, might not have worked a day in their life? If you answer, "yes" then that is bat shit crazy.

If you're going to bash this type of redistribution of wealth, I want you to also bash the vast amounts of corporate subsidies, tax breaks, trade deals, bail-outs, intellectual property laws, crony contracts, and other welfare Republicans are hell-bent on providing to American businesses. This is redistribution too, and it's all made A okay by the ever-reliable "it creates jobs!" rhetoric you people eat up like candy.

Are you okay with this type of welfare, but not the type that goes to individuals?

10-06-2015, 07:20 PM
If you're going to bash this type of redistribution of wealth, I want you to also bash the vast amounts of corporate subsidies, tax breaks, trade deals, bail-outs, intellectual property laws, crony contracts, and other welfare Republicans are hell-bent on providing to American businesses. This is redistribution too, and it's all made A okay by the ever-reliable "it creates jobs!" rhetoric you people eat up like candy.

Are you okay with this type of welfare, but not the type that goes to individuals?

perfect example of republican hypocrisy!