View Full Version : The best thing about Velious!

08-05-2015, 10:50 AM
...is knowing, with certainty, that not a single ugly Luclin model has traipsed it's way across it.

Feels oddly satisfying

08-05-2015, 10:51 AM
inb4 the mad

also, agreed

08-05-2015, 10:53 AM
they already found a way around it

08-05-2015, 10:55 AM
NO! it's ruined for me! that feeling! gone! if true. :/

08-05-2015, 10:57 AM
Thanks for that. Cramming all the lgequip* data in seems to have fixed everything. Pretty complete workaround now.

Use it while you can: <link removed>

Open source and all that (it's all scripts). Just unzip, launch exe, point it at your EQ folder when prompted, select what you want, hit the button and give it a good while to do its work. Only uses files you already have in your EQ folder, and creates a backup of the things it changes.

08-05-2015, 11:16 AM
Probablyyyyy shouldn't be posting work-arounds to stuff that the devs intentionally disabled

08-05-2015, 01:19 PM
perhaps the developers should stop being kill joys?

08-05-2015, 01:20 PM
perhaps the developers should stop being kill joys?

That would quite possibly be the least classic thing they could do. Other than starting up StationCash.

08-05-2015, 02:52 PM
Probablyyyyy shouldn't be posting work-arounds to stuff that the devs intentionally disabled

08-05-2015, 09:57 PM
Workaround for that workaround also posted.

In each line of the globalload file, there is a block of four boolean-ish fields, each given as "T" or "F". No idea what each one controls, but it appears that the fourth field must be "T" in order for player race animations to be loaded correctly from the file indicated on that line. If the last field is "F", any luclin models loaded from that file will be stuck in the ragdoll position and won't animate at all. A world where all the players are gliding around as unblinking wannabe scarecrows is probably not something anyone would be willing to put up with for long.

As it happens, in the provided globalload file there are only two such lines. One is for the LoY (ish?) player froglok race (globalpcfroglok_chr.s3d). It seems unlikely that this race would actually appear in game, maybe bar some GM fun. Other than that, it's only there to show up on the char creation screen. Could probably remove this file from globalload entirely, or just change the last boolean to "F" to disable its animations.

The second one is even less necessary. globalske_chr2.s3d only contains some animation data for skeletons... luclin skeletons, it would seem. Classic skeletons work fine without this, could be tossed without a second thought.

Might not be conclusive enough to be something they would go for. Not that the latest thing was very conclusive... kind of disappointingly minimal.

08-06-2015, 04:40 AM
Workaround for that workaround also posted.

Heh, I guess there is always a hack somehow in this day and age. :D

08-06-2015, 02:47 PM
Wow, the time people waste over thier preferred pixels is astounding.

Tiewon Shu
09-16-2015, 10:01 AM
Wow, the time people waste over thier preferred pixels is astounding.

It's not time wasted if you get the result you desire. That said, I'm happy people found away the Luclin model block. People should be able to play the game how they wish.

09-16-2015, 11:12 AM
Wow, the time people waste over thier preferred pixels is astounding.

EQ really is a waste

09-16-2015, 11:19 AM
The Luclin models offer higher resolution textures and higher polygon-count meshes. That's great for still images like screen shots.

But that is literally all they have going for them. Why do I never see anybody mention how terribly they're animated? They run - and I hate to use such a stupid phrase - quite literally like they have a stick in their ass. They run like their joints aren't meant for full ranges of motion. They attack like they are swatting a misbehaving child on the wrist. They swing swords like they are weightless.

Does nobody else notice this? What good are more polygons and high res textures if they are being applied to stiff, unnatural stick figures? Am I taking crazy pills?

Not to mention the art direction of the Luclin models doesn't fit the world of Norrath. The Tolkien/AD&D inspired world of Norrath. Haflings with pink hair? Elves with neon green hair? These things don't belong. They don't fit. It doesn't help that the higher polygon models stand out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of low polygon environments with muddy textures. Worse still, some NPCs are forced to display as old models even if you have new models enabled. You're a Luclin halfling talking to an old-world halfling NPC. You don't even look like the same species.

The models on their own merit, outside the scope of EQ, are fine. Especially for a game from 2001. But they fit in the world of EverQuest about as cohesively as laser guns would. Lasers are great, but not in a high fantasy setting.

I'm probably the only person that cares about cohesion. I guess I am taking crazy pills.

09-16-2015, 11:45 AM
Agreed Andvarion. The only Luclin models I really like and had turned on before the devs ordered them off, was the troll and barb. I think both were really well modeled and the barb animations were okay, but most of the Troll animations were horrible. Specifically, 2hs... b/c that usually requires the use of 2 hands. The rest of the models were pretty bad imo, not to mention their animations.

09-16-2015, 12:46 PM
It's not time wasted if you get the result you desire. That said, I'm happy people found away the Luclin model block. People should be able to play the game how they wish.

Wrong. Nice sentiment, but this is a classic server no matter how much people want to act like that doesn't matter. The goals are clearly stated. As classic as possible. Luclin models weren't available in the era this server is emulating therefore they're being disabled. It has absolutely nothing to do with people being "allowed to play how they wish."

For some reason logic is tough for some people. If this arrangement doesn't work for you go play on p2002. Choice is good. And don't (you or anyone) be one of those people that says, "wait til everyone leaves and all the "shits classic" people are here alone!!!!!!!" Slippery slope arguments are stupid and rest assured the number of butt hurt players on forumquest is dwarfed by the number of people interested in playing on P1999 and okay with the fact that this is a classic server with classic ambitions.

09-16-2015, 01:08 PM
I'd post my work around for targeting rings, buff timers, maps, and a few other things...but i don't want to ruin it

09-16-2015, 01:12 PM
perhaps the developers should stop being kill joys?

It's classic!

09-16-2015, 01:16 PM
Even vah shir models look good in classic textures.

09-16-2015, 02:55 PM
I hate hte luclin models. Their style sucks balls, except maybe the Barbarian or the Lizards. The problem is they don't have any character and they're too young/muscled for my tastes. The human males, for example, all have wrestler bodies. Doesn't work for me if I'm playing a caster. There's no option to play a skinny male human. The classic human model is inbetween. It's neither skinny or hulkish. That's why it works better. And the classic models have facial variety like broken teeth, ugly faces, old faces, etc. Compared to the luclin models... bleh. The distance between eyes/mouth/nose is the same on a luclin model no matter what texture you use. The classic models use a texture exclusively, although the head is still the same dimensions. The reason this is so is because classic models were trying to reduce polygons overall--including the face. On the outside it seems less detailed with fewer polys, but what it really does is free up the texture artist to make more varied faces.

What I'd like is for us to be able to select whether someone else can see our luclin model or not. Because to me what you select in character creation is what you want others to see. That's the way it should be. If you think others should be able to decide whether they say the classic or luclin model then fine. Something like this:
1) [ ] - They can't see the luclin version
2) [ ] - They can't see the classic version
3) [ ] - They can see whatever they choose

If the luclin models JUST had more polygons it wouldn't be a probem for me at all, but they change much more than that. I'm definitely not loose on this topic like some players are. I feel what we select and wear is what others should see.

Now what we perceive our appearance to be isn't the same as what others perceive. For example, I might love the broken teeth on my character's face. I might also like his smile. However, someone else might not. Or maybe they think the model sucks. For example, some people like hte luclin models and want those instead, whereas I dislike most of them. HOWEVER, what I select my appearance to be and what I wear should still be what others see, regardless of what they ultimately perceive.

Bottom line: What we see is not the same thing as what we perceive.

And I'd live with this even if most of the players out there were forcing me to see luclin models. Just as long as I can select my classic half elf or human and force others to see that instead of the new model then fine. Even if 99 of every 100 wizard humans were using the (wrestler) luclin model. Really is fine with me if others prefer that over the classic.

09-16-2015, 03:03 PM
Best thing about Velious is that PoP is only 2 expansions away now.

09-16-2015, 03:45 PM
Luclin model work around....not classic.

09-16-2015, 04:04 PM
I hope some kind of detection for that workaround gets patched in.

09-16-2015, 05:28 PM
The Luclin models offer higher resolution textures and higher polygon-count meshes. That's great for still images like screen shots.

But that is literally all they have going for them. Why do I never see anybody mention how terribly they're animated? They run - and I hate to use such a stupid phrase - quite literally like they have a stick in their ass. They run like their joints aren't meant for full ranges of motion. They attack like they are swatting a misbehaving child on the wrist. They swing swords like they are weightless.
I disagree completely. The old animations were disgustingly horrible and robotic, like almost no two joints could move at the same time. And don't get me started on the horrible Iksar swimming. Yuck! The Luclin animations were across the board improvements.

09-16-2015, 05:31 PM
I disagree completely. The old animations were disgustingly horrible and robotic, like almost no two joints could move at the same time. And don't get me started on the horrible Iksar swimming. Yuck! The Luclin animations were across the board improvements.

Iksar swimming? How about Iksar sitting? That one really makes it so I don't want to roll an Iksar.. I know, it's silly.