View Full Version : Mage Pet Pulling

07-24-2015, 11:20 AM
I remember there being a point where you could summon a low lvl pet and send him into a group of mobs. Once he casts on one of the mobs, you back him off....as long as he lived to make it back to you; the other mobs would not assist....?

Just checking if my memory is right....or if that was later in the game...

07-26-2015, 11:28 AM
That can sort of work with the Earth pet on here, but once his root breaks they are coming at him, and you if you are close enough, or cast a spell not involving the pet. :eek:

A Mage should be so lucky to be able to pull that off very often. They basically have NO CC other than Gating or Zoning. And even that is not very reliable most of the time. :(

You have to have a damn fast computer, drives and all, and a damn fast Internet connection to boot to pull it off often. :D Oh, and J Boots also.

07-26-2015, 11:41 AM
That was after they changed it to where pets couldn't draw proxy aggro themselves.

Currently on P99, pets draw proxy aggro of mobs, meaning if they are just standing somewhere and a KoS mob comes near them, it will attack your pet. In the era you are thinking of, the same situation would involve the KoS mob walking past your pet and ignoring him entirely.

When that change happens, when you send a pet on an NPC, if the NPC was a green con, it will not call for assist from any of its friends and come single so long as the pet is alive.

The low level fire pets were good for this, you can send them to attack, back them up after 2 seconds if they don't nuke. Repeat until they nuke from afar.

It is *possible* the code still allows for this type of pull but it would be very difficult with pets getting proxy aggro.