View Full Version : Red 99

04-27-2015, 08:07 AM
That was the most fun I've had on this server in my entirety on and off. No reason to shit talk one another. Was a really good fight and I hope these continue. Maybe next time we can have a gm on to monitor the training but outside if that super fun. Pras to all who participated

04-27-2015, 08:50 AM
Trains or not, I had a blast with the resistance. Also, pras to Empire for attending. We maybe had a moment or two where we weren't sure you all would. That would've sucked.

Much fun. Thanks Red99 :)

04-27-2015, 09:30 AM
And for final numbers the highest I saw was:

86 Empire in Euridin
125 Alliance in KC

In zone during most of the battle I saw around 85, with rumour it peaked at 213....so an insane amount of LD, desync, and deaths; all very quickly.

04-27-2015, 09:38 AM
anyone that dies to a train at a zoneline (lol)

04-27-2015, 09:40 AM
Kill results from the major battle were the following, give or take (official yt).
- Azrael 55
- Empire 76
- Fresh 11
- Friends 24
- Slosh 3
- Curse 6
- Untagged 8

And I have to say In felt bad for the Alliances level 60's, we had far fewer and seemed to bring a lot of the 52-55 range players. I gotta get out there and level so I can be more useful next time.