View Full Version : Canadian Man Gets 18 Months in Jail for Saying “Islam is Evil”

02-01-2015, 05:37 PM
I guess it’s not just the Islamic terrorists who hate free speech. Apparently, it’s also the governments of free Western nations.

Eric Brazau has long been an opponent of Islam – but he has never committed any physical act of violence against anyone. In fact, he hasn’t ever even suggested that violence be done to anyone else… ever. But the Canadian government recently arrested Brazau for a “hate crime.”

What crime did he commit?

He was arrested and then denied bail for saying that he hated Islam.

Things got even worse when Brazau went before a judge…

The judge told him, “You had a ticket to ride, not a pass to harass.”

Judge Lapkin sentenced Brazau to 18 months in prison, and an additional 2 years probation when he’s released. He even added a weapons ban to these 2 years probation, because in Lapkin’s point of view “…words are weapons too.”

This is actually Brazau’s second arrest for this “crime”… (honestly, it pains me to even pretend that it’s reasonable to call this kind of speech a “crime”.) Mr. Brazau was arrested earlier in 2014 for handing out flyers that denounced Islam.

The rest of this story here (http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/01/sharia-enforcement-canadian-man-gets-18-months-jail-saying-islam-evil/), with a video.

Crazy shit...soon they'll be throwing people in jail for wearing the wrong shoes.

02-01-2015, 07:20 PM
Freedom of speech, wut dat?

It's the same shit here. 100s of young girls were groomed by muslim gangs in Rotherham over decades, and the details are all coming out now about it. Why was that allowed to happen? Oh yeah, people didn't want to cause offence...

The shorthand of it is on a wiki page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal), if anyone needs something to get mad at. Pretty shitty stuff...yet white folks lock up white folks for speaking out of turn.

White guilt needs to stop as step 1. I didn't enslave anyone or gas anyone to death and neither did anyone reading this (I hope :p). You're not a nazi in my opinion for saying that some muslims need to check themselves, sort out that behavior and seek help where appropriate. Of course, telling them that their "customs" aren't appropriate is causing offence so we'd best not do that.

Currently criminals without a British passport don't get deported, but deporting them is currently illegal under EU law, great. Another defeat for common sense.

02-01-2015, 11:11 PM
Why is it so hard for supposed "news services" to present the full facts? The guy wouldn't exit a subway car for over 30 minutes after the fire alarm had been pulled. The jail term still seems quite excessive, but at least give complete information in a news story. As it stands, I have less sympathy than I otherwise would due to the obvious hiding of facts.

02-02-2015, 12:34 AM
islam is actually very good.

check it out, the president is a muslim. are you the president? no, you aren't

because you aren't muslim, bitch