View Full Version : Iskar SK and Plate

10-10-2014, 08:26 AM
Hello everyone,

I've recently made an Iskar SK and love it so far, however i just recently heard that they cannot wear plate armor? Does this stay true all the way to 60? How big of a factor is this? I know Ogre/Troll are best for min/maxing but I was trying to play what I enjoyed for once and then realized I was at a major disadvantage for doing so. Any thoughts?

10-11-2014, 04:53 AM
Largely true.

Particularly note this means no kunark clicky armour for iksar. which is a big hit to iksar ability to stack out on ac.

However, iksar do have their own versions of Sol Ro temple / planar style armours, which often are slightly better than the plate equivalents. Further, it is possible to find some high AC non-plate slots.

10-12-2014, 10:25 AM
It's more of a big deal now than it will be in Velious. Currently you're restricted to racial armor or Rogue type gear, but come Velious your armor options will really open up.