View Full Version : Shaman epic advice please

10-06-2014, 11:42 AM
How would you guys recommend doing the shaman epic?

I have heard people doing it different ways. Doing a certain turn in over and over or going through he entire progression.

right now the quest is really pissing me off with faction issues, seems to be broke as fuck.

looks like i'm gonna need to re-do the first step over and over just to get opaque jem and start test of patience.

I have already obtaines envy/woe/marr, and all 6 pages from COM

10-06-2014, 11:45 AM
Faction not broken, just takes forever when you're not potsbound. Still took me half a week via pots doing the faction quest to get it maxed (pegleg in bb)

The fastest way possible would be you, a Druid porter and binding in nfp.

10-06-2014, 11:46 AM
Faction not broken, just takes forever when you're not potsbound. Still took me half a week via pots doing the faction quest to get it maxed (pegleg in bb)

so the quest was built purposely to have to charm quest npc's and re-do the same steps multiple times?

10-06-2014, 11:49 AM
There is no need to charm anything for faction gains.

Kill pegleg in bb, macro the sentences you need to talk with the wolf and gate back to nfp to hand in the gem.

I think I did the hand in at least 100 times

10-06-2014, 12:26 PM
There is no need to charm anything for faction gains.

Kill pegleg in bb, macro the sentences you need to talk with the wolf and gate back to nfp to hand in the gem.

I think I did the hand in at least 100 times

hmm, i had to have someone charm the spirit sentinel in order for it to even talk to me and give me the gem.

10-06-2014, 12:32 PM
There was no need for me to charm it.

Yumyums Inmahtumtums
10-06-2014, 12:38 PM
The gimped starting faction for the quest was added in last patch. Not sure of they're taking it out but currently you need a charming class to charm the sentinel on order to get it started. Maybe charm animal works though due to it being a level 25 dog?

For me on blue it took like 70+ Bondl turn ins + quest line all the way up to black boots in order to max it. Unfortunately I out levelled most of com by the time I got it so it wasn't worth of, however, sub-10 page turn ins + Ghiosk might just be enough if you've done the quest line up to the boots. Com on red will be kind of a pain in the ass unless you're high 30s-low 40s. Anything above that gets raped from above. Beware.

There's also a faster way of corpsing the gems you receive from the wolf in NFP and rezzing into Eruds crossing but I think the spirit despawns after the quest speech (he used to hang around for 10 minutes or so before so you could get a ton of quest gems during that time).

Ymmv. Consult the class section of the forums - lots of good options there.

10-06-2014, 01:22 PM
The gimped starting faction for the quest was added in last patch. Not sure of they're taking it out but currently you need a charming class to charm the sentinel on order to get it started. Maybe charm animal works though due to it being a level 25 dog?

For me on blue it took like 70+ Bondl turn ins + quest line all the way up to black boots in order to max it. Unfortunately I out levelled most of com by the time I got it so it wasn't worth of, however, sub-10 page turn ins + Ghiosk might just be enough if you've done the quest line up to the boots. Com on red will be kind of a pain in the ass unless you're high 30s-low 40s. Anything above that gets raped from above. Beware.

There's also a faster way of corpsing the gems you receive from the wolf in NFP and rezzing into Eruds crossing but I think the spirit despawns after the quest speech (he used to hang around for 10 minutes or so before so you could get a ton of quest gems during that time).

Ymmv. Consult the class section of the forums - lots of good options there.

thanks for the info. sounds like hell.

10-06-2014, 01:46 PM
you can have a corpse at pegleg and use a cleric to revive for turn ins as well, i did this for andain

now if only i had a friend that was a cleric....

hmm, doesn't gaffin play a cleric? =D

Recycled Children
10-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Re roll.

10-06-2014, 03:04 PM
I've done it twice, and for your own sanity don't bother doing the pegleg/bondl shit like 80 times. Do the quest completely legit up through the black fur boots part. The next step is the report turn ins, if you're in your low to mid 50s you can make good exp in CoM while also getting reports to drop. If you can get a group, the reaver in the 1st house spawns Neh'Ashiir and the stuff he drops is a really nice faction hit...plus he can drop ORS and woodman's staff.

I did 2x Neh'Ashiir and like 7 or 8 report turn ins, plus the quest legit up through black dire.

There is also another much faster way to get faction that is actually part of the wizard epic (a lot of epics are on truespirit faction). It involves dying a lot though and putting the lore item rings on corpses. You'll end up losing like 1-2 levels but you'll be done factioning in a couple hours. Not sure on the complete details since I never bothered with it.

10-06-2014, 03:24 PM
I did the quest mostly legit. Almost the same as Kergan. Turned in the 3 books once and did page turn ins X6 to max my faction. I think the only part I didn't do was the hole part. Was pretty easy compared to most other epics.

10-06-2014, 04:06 PM
Shaman epic probably second easiest behind rogue.

10-20-2014, 04:47 PM
does the tear holder need faction to turn tear into lord rak'ashiir? or could i possibly pay someone to do the tear turn in for me that happened to loot an extra one in fear and then just do the fight, loot scale, and turn in scale myself for epic?

10-20-2014, 04:51 PM
Yes the tear holder needs faction, but they don't lose their faction for the turn in like you do for the final turn in. Bards can use faction song to boost it up quite a bit and don't need to do as much work. But despite some reports that max faction isn't required (just max faction tier) I have seen the tear get eaten if someone isn't maxed.

10-20-2014, 04:53 PM
ok, thanks for the information!

10-20-2014, 05:10 PM

You can do the bondl gem once, and then follow him to the spirit sentinel in the jade tigers den. it will give you the next gem for the test of patience even at apprehensively currently. I didn't turn it in until after reaching indifferent through bondl turn in's but it may be possible.

If you turn in a reward to a charmed mob you will not receive the faction associated with the turn in, so keep your woe,envy and marrs promise until you dont need someone to charm it for you(indifferently).

You can turn in black dire boots at kindly but you can't turn in the completed reports until amiably so you should probably shoot for amiably before moving on to city of mist.

The three books from lord ghiosk are the largest faction reward available.

The final turn in is dependent upon maximum warmly faction, i had to wait three months to get my scale back when i turned it in one completed note short of maximum warmly faction.

10-20-2014, 05:41 PM

You can do the bondl gem once, and then follow him to the spirit sentinel in the jade tigers den. it will give you the next gem for the test of patience even at apprehensively currently. I didn't turn it in until after reaching indifferent through bondl turn in's but it may be possible.

If you turn in a reward to a charmed mob you will not receive the faction associated with the turn in, so keep your woe,envy and marrs promise until you dont need someone to charm it for you(indifferently).

You can turn in black dire boots at kindly but you can't turn in the completed reports until amiably so you should probably shoot for amiably before moving on to city of mist.

The three books from lord ghiosk are the largest faction reward available.

The final turn in is dependent upon maximum warmly faction, i had to wait three months to get my scale back when i turned it in one completed note short of maximum warmly faction.

thanks for the information pal!

10-29-2014, 06:03 PM
thanks again for the information pals.. did the bondl gem 3x, full quest line up to COM reports, and did 7-8 COM report turn ins. now max faction with truspirit.

10-29-2014, 06:07 PM
i had 0 issues on a troll shaman. did the quest step by step

10-29-2014, 06:32 PM
No reason to waste your time with the Hole and half the shit in CoM...