View Full Version : good class for a noob

10-03-2014, 07:18 PM
hi im new and havent played eq since i was like 5 (15~ years ago) whats a good class to start out with

10-04-2014, 12:45 AM
Go iksar necro. You have the ability to solo and racial regen. Field of bone is an awesome newbie zone, and kurns is right next to it.

Some people will tell you to go whatever you like to play. The truth is, some classes are so group or gear dependant (warrior) that it's just not feasible to role as a first character.

10-04-2014, 04:04 AM
Another good starting class is Druid. Ease of travel - including porting others for cash, not very gear dependent, multible ways of soloing (root/rotting, animal charming (both 14+) and quad-kiting 34+) as well as healing in groups.

Here is the page with guides for further reading


10-04-2014, 05:21 AM
Human necro or fav solo class that starts in Freeport. Head straight to EC and ask, don't beg for enough gold to get your noob spells and buffs. Hang out people do give this GS away, befallen is right down the street when you are ready. I did start with Iksar necro. It is fine remember you will be KOs...

10-04-2014, 03:53 PM
Go play on Red.. huge group experience bonus.play any class you want and level asap...

As far as classes... Druid.. Shaman... Monk.. Necro..

All pretty easy imo... but if you play on red just pick what you want.. read up a bit.. see how the different skills and spells can be used.

Also Enchanter is pretty powerful and group friendly..