View Full Version : GW2, a different way of playing it

09-04-2014, 08:41 PM
Anyone around these parts play and/or has at least tried the game? Combat, art style, music, effects, all great stuff. The story, leveling, and crafting really don't do it for me and I've been trying to stick with it since beta.

Recently watched a video by a GW2 youtuber named WoodenPotatoes (https://www.youtube.com/user/WoodenPotatoes) in which he talked about a different way to play the game:

The basic idea(s) being to make the game more immersive by removing a lot of the stuff that makes it "ezmode". As an example he disabled the map and minimap, only allowing himself to see said map in a major city or when he comes across a scout. Seems like a simple idea but I started thinking about it and that is in itself one of the major problems I have with the game. Most of my characters have been leveled basically via the map, going from one heart quest to the next, one point of interest and waypoint to the next, over and over again.

I'm wondering if anyone who happens to play the game occasional could think of some other ways to make it more like classic EQ? In addition to the map disabling he also doesn't allow using waypoints unless he dies (which you kinda have no choice unless someone comes to rally you) and using only found gear/gold/karma to fund his character. He also talks about adding a death penalty or limiting the amount of times his character can die. Maybe instead of limited number of lives you could do it Eve Online style and delete all gear you were wearing upon death kinda like a corpse rot. That is one of the issues plaguing new MMO's, no risk or fear of dying.

Going to give this a try over the weekend, see if my immersion intensifies.

09-04-2014, 09:19 PM
Maybe give GW2 an end game worth playing and gear that is worth that end game. Instead they make you run the same dungeons dozens of times for aesthetic gear.

Why would I spend the time to get my legendary weapons when I can spend a fraction of the material for the mystics which have pretty much the same stats?

09-04-2014, 10:53 PM
Maybe give GW2 an end game worth playing and gear that is worth that end game. Instead they make you run the same dungeons dozens of times for aesthetic gear.

Why would I spend the time to get my legendary weapons when I can spend a fraction of the material for the mystics which have pretty much the same stats?

yup, its the reason i quit GW2, endgame is fucking atrocious.

09-05-2014, 12:40 AM
Not sure what y'all were expecting, ArenaNet made it clear as far back as the beta testing phase that there wouldn't be a traditional end game like other mmo's (iirc).

I just want the journey getting to max level to be somewhat interesting, I lost interest in "end game" anything during the WoTLK era.

09-05-2014, 08:42 AM
Sure, non traditional is fine, but I didn't think it would be non-existent.

09-05-2014, 09:07 AM
Lost all hope after playing this game