View Full Version : Anyone use Steam? Play Counterstrike? resolution problem

09-04-2014, 11:01 AM
Figured it would be a quick fix but to post in the steam forums i have to wait days for a moderator to "Activate" my account which is lame, so im here.

problem..., i was in game, Counterstrike and clicked on options and chose widescreen under video options, and now the game is just focused on a small area, but 10x larger, making it impossible to select the options tab and de-select widescreen.

There seems to be no way to edit the video settings outside the game, even from the options tab in the steam client. So the only thing i can think of myself is to unistal and reinstall and i dont wanna do that.

anyone have any idea how to maybe fix this so i can play again?

09-04-2014, 02:17 PM
Delete your cfg folder in

..Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\

09-04-2014, 03:06 PM
thread belongs in off topic.

cs 1.6, css, csgo?

For CSS:
right click you game in steam
go down to properties
click set launch options
in there type
-width 640 height 480 or width 1024 height 768
or etc.
make sure you use - before every the word width every time

-h 1440 -w 2560 -novid -window -noborder

Learn to internet, this took me 10 seconds tops to find.

09-04-2014, 04:41 PM
I'm always that guy posting in the comments when I'm trying to get a "cracked" version of an installed program working and it won't behave, fwiw :p