View Full Version : Lonely Lowely Bearded Warrior - level 12 and rising

09-03-2014, 10:18 AM
Mcsquint, bearded one eyed meat slapper, seeks long walks on the beach and skull cracking by moonlight.

Have half a rack of bronze gear and a decent weapon, nothing too exceptional but i get the job done. Currently dreading my choice of picking a warrior without having a high level character in place to feed my warrior gear but i'm gonna stick with it.

Looking for a group to tank for or just some folks to party with, currently anchored in the common lands but arrangements can be made. My play times are pretty wonky right now but i'm usually on in the late afternoon - evening - early morning hours pacific wise, feel free to throw a tell or two my way.

09-03-2014, 10:51 AM
i have 14 level there... wll contac you soon