View Full Version : Necros and Gnoll Fangs

09-02-2014, 10:44 AM
Greetings all, I was just curious if anybody could tell me if a gnome necromancer would be able to complete the qeynos gnoll fang quest? I've read about using wolf form but I'm not sure if that would? Thanks in advance

09-02-2014, 11:48 AM
There aren't any special restrictions or requirements for completing the quest; so, as long as you con at least dubious (maybe apprehensive? Can't remember for this one) and trigger the quest text by hailing the npc, you'll be able to do it. Whether you get the prerequisite faction by slaughtering thousands of gnolls or by using wolf form is irrelevant.

One thing to note: there are npcs from the caster guild that wander around the area, and they *hate* necromancers and have see invis. Pretty sure they would be kos even with wolf form on, so make sure you don't bump into them.

09-02-2014, 12:28 PM
Good call RE avoiding the caster wanderers. You can make a dummy level 1 human to wander around the zone a bit and study their movements; just two wanderers to worry about if I recall correctly.

09-02-2014, 03:58 PM
kill gnolls collect fangs. by the time you need to hand them in, you'll be non kos to to the warriors already. safest way to get there is use the well entrance near the newbie gate to the qeynos aqueduct. run to the warrior guild exit (it's right beside the evil guilds hall. you wont be kos inside that warrior complex

09-02-2014, 03:59 PM
p.s. level 8 you get gather shadows. havnt seen an npc in qeynos that sees through that yet. that doesnt mean there isnt one though.

09-05-2014, 04:08 AM
Qeynos loved my Dark Elf enchanter by the time I farmed up 150 gnoll fangs. Turned em in no problem without an illusion, although after turning them in the Corrupt Guards faction hates me even in human form. Not safe to wander the streets.

That being said, don't expect too much exp out of those gnoll fangs. If you're following that wiki guide, it is out of date. They give a whole lot less now. Those 150 fangs took me from level 10.5 to 13.2, and they started to give next to nothing once I hit 13. Grabbing 300 fangs and taking a -40% exp penalty bard from 11 to 19 like that guide guy did is nowhere near possible anymore. Between the trains, competition, and remote location, I don't think Blackburrow is with leveling in at this point. I don't know anything about wiki editing, but someone should also probably either update or outright remove that guide since it's really misleading.

09-05-2014, 11:01 AM
One thing to note: there are npcs from the caster guild that wander around the area, and they *hate* necromancers and have see invis.

None of the OrderofThree see invis. I'm not aware of any NPC in SQEY that sees invis.

kill gnolls collect fangs. by the time you need to hand them in, you'll be non kos to to the warriors already.

Warriors are Steel Warrior faction. They stand next to Captain Tillan, the NPC who you need to hand the fangs into. Killing gnolls doesn't raise steel warriors, handing in fangs in Halas does though. Captain Tillan is on Guards of Qeynos faction. You only need to be dubious to hand in fangs, which can be done by killing the gnolls in the first place like Kender said.
Be advised there is 2 guard factions in Qeynos, "Guards of Qeynos" (Captain Tillan) and "Corrupt Guards of Qeynos"

09-05-2014, 12:13 PM
BB is not worth the effort of traveling there for a gnome in my opinion. XP has been drastically reduced. CB belts give much better XP at this point. Or go to commonlands and kill Orcs for death fist belts and there is an evil turn in for XP on that. Same rate as the CB belts if I remember correctly.