View Full Version : Who else sees this mouse problem? Is it Mac related? Jumping mouse + mouselook

08-16-2014, 12:24 PM
Hi all,

I recently got my game running using Wineskin on Mac, and I'm curious if this problem is with EQ itself (I doubt it), Wine, or Wineskin.

How to replicate:

1. Go into game, hold Right Mouse Button (RMB) to engage mouse look, look some distance to the right.
2. Release RMB, don't mouse your mouse!
3. Re-press RMB to re-engage mouselook
(short version: move your view using mouselook, release and immediately repress RMB without moving your mouse in between)

What you would expect is that the third step does nothing. What actually happens is that my view jerks some more distance to the right upon simply pressing RMB the second time.

Does ANYONE else see this behavior?

I'm using Wineskin 2.6 with engine 1.7.24