View Full Version : Visual-Utopia

08-10-2014, 08:15 PM

Just wanted to share a link to a fun browser game I play which isn't any competition to EQ but in many ways ties right in nicely. It is basically a low rent version of warcraft with 5 races: Halfling, Orc, Elf, Human, Troll. You can basically play it while meditating etc. The game is turn based and each turn is 1 hour. So basically a few minutes every hour you can get your stuff done. The game is all pvp so again a great sideline game for EQ.

Visual Utopia is a great <a href="http://visual-utopia.com/">strategy war game</a


08-11-2014, 09:33 AM
Ok I tried it. It told me I died as soon as I logged in.

08-11-2014, 08:05 PM
Ya you just enter your ruler name in then go into the tutorial. Takes a bit to get the game down but once you know what is going on and building ratios it's fun as hell.