View Full Version : Rogue...or? Am I just being a masochist?

06-28-2014, 05:21 PM
Hi all -- recently returned to playing, haven't played since classic, really.

I used to play a bard but have always loved playing thief-like characters (never played a rogue in classic). I've read that rogues are difficult to solo past 10 but wondered if this was an exaggeration?

I'm a typically casual player so I'm worried I won't have time to find groups to level so I'd like to be at least somewhat self-sufficient! I don't really want to put time into leveling a character that becomes impossible to play at later levels! I was considering a SK as an alternative (may also be painful to solo but at least would be more needed if I needed to find a group)? I'd like to be able to melee and possibly stab things :(

Any thoughts would be welcome!!!

06-28-2014, 05:30 PM
Rogues are one of the harder classes to solo on period. Backstab, your major attack is useless unless someone else has the aggro. However it is really hard to beat the numbers that a rogue can put out.

The ability to walk around most zones and just explore has always wanted to make me roll a rogue on this server.

06-28-2014, 05:37 PM
It will definitely be hard to solo as an ungeared rogue, though not impossible. Once you get intimidate your options open up a bit. You shouldn't have much trouble finding groups though, when you have time. Even a rogue with a fine steel rapier and some cloth armor can add some good dps to a group - at least as much as a mage or wizard. SK would be easier to solo with, but it would still be very slow without gear. I'd say stick with rogue if it sounds fun and find yourself some druid and necro pals to duo with when you can't find a group.

Also, check the guide section of the wiki for info on making easy cash as you level - saving bone chips & spiderling silk can go a long way toward getting some cheap weapon upgrades (which should be your first priority, followed by HP rings).

06-28-2014, 06:10 PM
Hmmm...food for thought! I don't particularly mind being a slow soloer, as long as I'm able to actually do it without too much pain. But I love stealth and have always played rogues in other games. Maybe I'll give it shot and see how much I cry after 10.

06-28-2014, 06:27 PM
Backstab, your major attack is useless unless someone else has the aggro.

Or an npc starts casting.

You can kill casters very well on rogues with a good resist set / twink gear solo.

06-28-2014, 06:42 PM
I don't think he has that gear right now :P

06-28-2014, 07:08 PM
Hah! I sure don't. I'll basically have nothing.. Haven't made it past level 4 on any of the classes I've been trying out. Would a monk be an easier melee class to start out with?

06-28-2014, 07:20 PM
Definitely. Obviously it's always slower without gear, but I started with a monk on this server and solo'd about 3/4 of 1-37 with little to no trouble (or gear, at first). Around 35-40 soloing will slow down quite a bit without a fungi and/or other twinkage, but it's still very doable - especially for iksars with the extra regen.

I would recommend ignoring the monk weight limit until at least level 20+ if you go this route - I was regularly about 50 or 60 pounds over while leveling and barely noticed a difference until I hit ~25-30. It will be much more beneficial to you to make the extra cash starting out.

06-28-2014, 10:41 PM
Rogue is many amaze. Such sneaks.

Definitely a class that will stay strong throughout velious, when you get higher level you can also ruin the market by selling the epic MQ. Pretty cool man.

06-29-2014, 02:15 AM
Don't let these guys fool you. Starting around level 20, dungeons like SolA have mobs that see through sneak/hide. There are still a lot of dungeons were it is useful, but there are quite a few were it is pretty useless.

06-29-2014, 02:23 AM
I think you'll find that alot of folks on P1999 played EQ as teenagers, and are now high 20's- low 30's with kids. So basically, you'll run into a lot of semi-casuals who are understanding of a limited playtime.

As long as you give your group a heads up and set expectations that you have "just 30 minutes" or "may need to leave on the fly because of a wee one waking from a nap" - in the majority of cases I think you'll find understanding group mates.

You can also find a druid or necro to duo with - as fear-kite/backstab or kite/backstab.

I wouldn't give up on the rogue.

06-29-2014, 11:11 AM
Cool- thanks for all the replies folks. I'll give it a shot! If you see Pina in game say hi :)