View Full Version : What item metrics do you commonly use?

05-04-2014, 08:27 PM
Personally I compare:

newb weapons to a dwarven axe 6/26

high end fast weapons to a lammy 9/19

bracer ac to a banded bracer, 6ac

chest pieces to banded mail, 15ac

mid-speed 1h weaps to centi long sword 14/27 (why is silken whip so fucking cheap?)

crystalline short sword/centi short sword for other high endish 1hs 12/24

what about you guys?

05-04-2014, 08:33 PM
I dont really have items that I use as a baseline.
For weapons I have 1/2 ratio in my mind in kunark era and in classic era it was 1/3.
For other items I pretty much compare to whatever I have I guess.

05-04-2014, 08:45 PM
The numbers pretty much speak for themselves; I don't really use other items as a comparison.

I'd guess the reason silk whip is so cheap is it's rng/war only, and warriors have tons of better available weapons that are faster.

05-05-2014, 12:51 AM
The numbers pretty much speak for themselves; I don't really use other items as a comparison.

I'd guess the reason silk whip is so cheap is it's rng/war only, and warriors have tons of better available weapons that are faster.

05-05-2014, 01:42 AM
Rarity, desirability pretty much determine price. Divide attack by delay to get a baseline of how good something is. Lammy is midgrade at best. It's worse than .5 ratio, so kinda bad. But pretty nice compared to a .23 Dwarven axe. High end 1 hand weapons are around .55+, with .6+ being end game atm.

05-05-2014, 05:03 AM
Rarity, desirability pretty much determine price. Divide attack by delay to get a baseline of how good something is. Lammy is midgrade at best. It's worse than .5 ratio, so kinda bad. But pretty nice compared to a .23 Dwarven axe. High end 1 hand weapons are around .55+, with .6+ being end game atm.

05-05-2014, 11:19 AM
On a Warrior you can NEVER have too many weapons. :D And on a Healer you can NEVER have too much mana. :p Pretty much my metric.