View Full Version : Game Mechanics: /who all <shortzonename> no longer shows players who are flagged /anon or /role

12-16-2009, 06:34 PM
When you do a /who all Najena (for example) if there is a non /role or /anon Necro and an /anon Shaman, you'll only see the Necro. You can test this by going /anon or /role and doing a /who all for the zone you're in. Since I only ever played classic/kunark/velious and remember /who all showing anon/roleplaying players, I think this functionality is incorrect.

I supposed I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Does anyone else remember?

12-16-2009, 06:37 PM
Doing a who all on a zone was never a feature of any version of everquest, however it is a feature of eqemulator. With that in mind, the point of being anonymous is to remain anonymous of your whereabouts, so showing up in a who all zone would defeat the purpose. It will still show anon and roleplay players as normal for doing /who all on either their name or guild tag.