View Full Version : Died on boat after zoning into OT

04-30-2014, 03:33 PM
I was zoning into OT on the boat from TD. As soon as I zoned into OT I seemed to be stuck in the bottom of the boat in a 'swimming" animation and then promptly died. I petitioned in game because I don't even know what killed me and I have no idea how i'm supposed to get my corpse. I'm wondering, should I make a post in the "petition" section on here? OR are in game petitions and forum petitions linked? I've been sitting in game on my character for a good hour or more waiting but I don't want to anger the gm's with too many petitions.

04-30-2014, 04:34 PM
Make a post in petition section. They might get it faster. I've had experience in game and it takes a while due to such high volumes of complaints and such. Good luck with your corpse.

04-30-2014, 05:38 PM
Hello Solana!

Please petition in game again next time you log on and we will assist you with this matter.

Your petition does stay in the queue while you are on line, but if you have logged we may have moved it out of active petitions.

We don't mind multiple petitions, but we can only see one of them fully so may not understand the situation fully with multiple petitions.


05-01-2014, 12:09 PM
I stayed online with my affected character and after about 2 hours I was helped by the guide "gryk"

My corpse was retrieved from the void and the issue was resolved. Thank you gryk and all guides for helping with issues such as this.

I suppose you can close this thread now.