View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Feigned Mobs Pathing Home

04-13-2014, 11:06 PM
This has been an issue for a while now (over a year I think) that wasn't an issue at the start of Kunark.

Often, when a player successfully feigns a mob or collection of mobs, the mobs won't path directly home. It appears that often these mobs will first (while unaggroed) path to the node that was their last destination while chasing the player and then path home.

This is extremely problematic as it often sends trains pathing into people when they shouldn't.

I'm not sure if this happens with other methods of losing aggro such as zoning or camping, but it definitely happens while feigning.

Example: I'm in KC and run through a fully-popped LCY and aggro a bunch of stuff to look at a spawn. I then run up to the jail with a train, and then I run to the entrance (while gaining a considerable distance from my train) and feign. Sometimes, the entire train will then slowly path right to the KC entrance and then turn around and go home.

This should be easy enough to replicate, but if you desire, I would be happy to post some video evidence to further clarify this bug. Thanks!

08-19-2019, 11:42 PM
Moving to resolved as I did not duplicate this behavior, possible either fixed or unique to red. If unique to red and current issue, please re-post in appropriate forum. The video would indeed be useful.