View Full Version : Addendum to New Raid Rules

08-14-2010, 05:36 PM
Q: Will the planes be open to everyone?

A: Yes. Please be respectful to your fellow players and respect their space. If there is a guild getting ready to raid Hate for some armor and they start pulling creatures, don't go up there and sit on top of them pulling mobs in their area as well. If Guild A is doing Hate, then perhaps Guild B should be doing Fear. Basically, don't be a douche bag.

OK. here's the problem. I want to C-block Fear. I zone in with my guild, clear the entrance stuff near the portal, leave the rest of the zone untouched. I sit there for days waiting for CT.

No one can zone in and leapfrog me, cuz I'll frap it and turn you in.

Hate is even easier. I don't have to kill squat. I'll just leave my guys at zone in, and pull something when I see another guild porting up.

Leapfrog me? I'll frap the whole thing and turn you in.

Under the new rules, I'm untouchable. There's no rule against camping, and I don't even have to be at the spawn points. GM's called in, what rule have I broken?

We have to stop the camping at all costs:

There could be an addendum that simply states:

No camping in zone after all trash is clear, minus short-timer repops. After zone is clear, you've got an hour to leave and this can be done/maintained by active trackers.

Guilds must also be ACTIVELY clearing the zones.

Secondly, is 15 FTE just for the first guild to engage, or does it extend to guilds next in line after a wipe? This isn't clear.

These are the only serious problems I see...if anyone else sees anything, pipe up.

08-14-2010, 06:03 PM
Why are you assuming a guild will get banned for entering a plane when another guild is sitting at the zone in of said plane? He's just asking for people not to be assholes and respect eachothers space.

08-14-2010, 06:07 PM
Brother, I KNOW what he's asking.

The way it's read, the rule basically says you can't come in the zone if another guild is there starting a clear. And if you don't think this rule can be twisted to serve the poopsock, you don't know the end-game here.


08-14-2010, 06:27 PM
lol seriously.

Sky just opened.

Welcome to a whole new world of guild-on-guild planar bluebie server griefing.

R&F is gonna be epic here in a day or two.

Sky is my least favorite zone classic-veilous, so this will be sheer voyeuristic enjoyment for me.

<grabs popcorn>

08-14-2010, 06:32 PM
Hmmm...patch messages. Should have read them. :p

08-14-2010, 06:34 PM
The part of the rules states not to pull where they are camping at. You can avoid both of those situations by breaking in and heading to a different spot in the zone to kill stuff.

Neither of those situations you provided result in a ban unless you are specifically pulling into the other guilds camp for the entirety of your time there.

You're camping at the zoneline in hate? Ok I'll move just out to the right and hide in the corner and pull there and have a little rougher break in than normal (still easy).

You're camping in fear? Ok I'll move to the south wall, or we'll move to the north wall.

This isn't rocket science, people trying to abuse the rules to their advantage in both of those situations will be laughed at by the GMs.

08-14-2010, 06:40 PM
The part of the rules states not to pull where they are camping at. You can avoid both of those situations by breaking in and heading to a different spot in the zone to kill stuff.

Neither of those situations you provided result in a ban unless you are specifically pulling into the other guilds camp for the entirety of your time there.

You're camping at the zoneline in hate? Ok I'll move just out to the right and hide in the corner and pull there and have a little rougher break in than normal (still easy).

You're camping in fear? Ok I'll move to the south wall, or we'll move to the north wall.

This isn't rocket science, people trying to abuse the rules to their advantage in both of those situations will be laughed at by the GMs.

Hope you're right, Otto. Just thought I might bring up some possible douchebaggery...with a clear "no-camping" rule, there would be no question, in any case.

08-14-2010, 06:47 PM
FFS you people are going at this like lawyers trying to bend rules to absurd conclusions that suit you...all the while simply ignoring how retarded you actually sound.

In the end this server will turn into a FFAish ruleset, the only real mystery is why this charade of trying to make everything fair even started in the first place...its like no one even played eqlive at all sometimes. These new rules are basically saying FFA without douchebaggery...and I really hope the GMs laugh at this stupidity when it inevitably is petitioned.

08-14-2010, 07:00 PM
FFS you people are going at this like lawyers trying to bend rules to absurd conclusions that suit you...all the while simply ignoring how retarded you actually sound.

In the end this server will turn into a FFAish ruleset, the only real mystery is why this charade of trying to make everything fair even started in the first place...its like no one even played eqlive at all sometimes. These new rules are basically saying FFA without douchebaggery...and I really hope the GMs laugh at this stupidity when it inevitably is petitioned.

What server did you play on?

For anyone that ACTUALLY played on more than 1 server they know that FFA weren't the only rules. Come kunark i'd bet you had more servers on rotation than you did with FFA/FTE. You even had GMs willingly going out there and enforcing these rules. this whole "FFA is the classic way" notion is complete garbage.

My initial point was that poopsocking can continue, it's just that the guild that chooses to sit on top of aggro radius will have to stay active, which is a great idea. But it doesn't stop guilds from camping just outside range and going FTE to get the mob. Imo sky will change things far more than this rule-set would have alone. As for it being a package deal, we'll see how it goes, but i am quite optimistic.

08-14-2010, 08:03 PM
FFS you people are going at this like lawyers trying to bend rules to absurd conclusions that suit you...all the while simply ignoring how retarded you actually sound.

As retarded as camping mobs for days was, and the rest of the server having to put up with it? For months?

Yeah...the rules were already bent to the absurd once. That's the only retardedness I've seen...anyway, with Sky open it frees some things up.

Too bad you weren't around the first time we all went through this, friend. Your invaluable wisdom would have probably saved the day!


08-14-2010, 08:49 PM
It should be fun to watch the rest of the server fight over dragons and gods while DA and IB duke it out up top in the sky.

Hehe. Bubbles said it best. RnF is going to be positively delightful = D

08-14-2010, 08:51 PM
My initial point was that poopsocking can continue, it's just that the guild that chooses to sit on top of aggro radius will have to stay active, which is a great idea.

Apologies, but you are an idiot. They will have to stay active? and how hard really is that...

Take it from someone who has been inside and knows th inside of both organizations. Staying active and keeping clears down is nothing compared to what they would do to get mobs.