View Full Version : Need opinions on stat distribution

08-14-2010, 01:27 PM
Everyone and their mother on this server is a giant race when it comes to warriors. I've never really liked playing those races.

Way back on live, I was a dark elf warrior for 7 years.

I'm curious to know what you guys would put the 25 stat points you get at the start. You start off with

Str - 70
Sta - 75
Agi - 95
Dex - 75
Wisdom - 83
Int - 99 (lol?)
Cha - 60

I'm guessin just put all 25 into stam

No I'm not really intersted in playing another race, maybe human, but I've always liked playing as a dark elf on all my characters.


08-14-2010, 01:29 PM
Int - 99 (lol?)

Hey, it'll help if you do any tradeskills =)

Most people will say all into STA, since it's harder to come by end-game than STR/AGI/etc are...I really recommend being a different race unless you are particularly attached to dark elves. Faction, stats, etc are all advantages of those other races.

08-14-2010, 01:49 PM
in a world of fashion style > stats.

Go gnome and go stam.

08-14-2010, 01:58 PM
Have fun playing without Slam

08-14-2010, 02:00 PM
all agility halfling warrior rar~