View Full Version : Pet DS Range

02-24-2014, 05:35 AM
Haynar: Fixed non-melee damage (i.e. damage shield) from pets, to now be sent to their owner. Added a range check to these messages, so owner has to be close by.

Why was this added? I kind of liked it when soloing, just so I could know if it was a max level pet while chain-summoning fire pets.

02-25-2014, 04:03 AM
It's not only DS, but also regular pet hits.

I don't know what was the puprose of this change, but I highly disagree with the range check.
If some peoples don't want to see pet dmg, it should be handled by chat filters, not by some range bs.

02-25-2014, 11:39 AM
I made a bug thread - the patch notes were supposed to only apply to damage shields. It's too short either way, should at least be max spell casting range.

02-25-2014, 11:56 AM
So basically, unless using pets stays "easy mode" then ur unhappy.

Pet hits should be able to be seen from further. I might look into why pet hits are not going far out to owner. They used to show a long ways out. Like 100 to 200 range. Not changing ds message range tho. I started looking why pet range for hits was so short. But couldnt find it. Pet hits on live still go to their master far away. Will try to do some testing to find out how far.