View Full Version : Thanks for the server dudes

01-07-2014, 11:42 PM
There are two reasons I wanted to make this post, one is because there's an off-topic post about other emulators and I honestly believe that Project 1999 is the best one for the kind of classic experience that really takes you back to when the game first came out. The experience is fantastic and I have made friends simply because they couldn't actually buy something off of a vendor in the town my newbie happened to be occupying. I could go on as to why the server is great, but what I really want to touch on is something that I think will really drive home the current situation.

Nine or ten years ago or so I was the GM for a server called Lucid Visions. I wasn't a developer in any sense of the word, all I did was ban cheaters and do my best to make the game more fun for everyone because this was before all the good code for emulation came out so a lot of stuff was broken. We still had a really strong community of a few hundred people and there were enough mobs that some raiding happened but it was a PVP server so a lot of it got disrupted. We had a lot of arguments on the forums, and I got a lot of people reporting on how I was an awful GM and how I showed favoritism and the list could go on forever because that's how eighteen year olds deal with power figures, they try to push them out of power to see if they can establish a relationship with a new power figure that will benefit them.

Vasten, the developer on the server decided after many months of the same immature arguing between people that he was doing the server for decided that he didn't want the server to exist any longer because none of those people that he was making it for deserved it. So one week he just stopped responding to in forum messages and took the server down and I broke the news to people that it was probably not coming back because him and I were able to talk in out of game ways like AIM or whatever.

The point that I am trying to make is that I'd prefer people really be happy with what they have in this server. I see a lot of people constantly calling things not classic, and really the only thing that isn't classic is the vitriolic attitude of the player base. No one is filled with awe of the small details that have been added back into this emulator to make it the best that has ever existed. If you think that what they haven't done is anything less than amazing then ignore what I've written here, but seriously think about the amount of time it has taken them to make the experience as close to classic EverQuest as we will probably ever see again.

So thumbs up to the staff, and to everyone that plays the game daily without being a jerk (there are hundreds of you, and I do understand that). I've had some of the best experiences here, I hope that a few bad apples that haven't changed in ten+ years do not ruin everything.

01-07-2014, 11:52 PM
Sad to see someone go who truly loves the server, but fully understand why

No one is filled with awe of the small details that have been added back into this emulator to make it the best that has ever existed.

I have to say I was so excited to see that they had moved guild tags from underneath names to next to them again, that was a HUGE part of the classic experience for me and hope to see even more changes like that in the future.

Good luck wherever you go!

01-08-2014, 06:45 AM
Vasten, the developer on the server decided after many months of the same immature arguing between people that he was doing the server for decided that he didn't want the server to exist any longer because none of those people that he was making it for deserved it. So one week he just stopped responding to in forum messages and took the server down...

This is a common response in the EMU community it seems. There'll always be drama, jealousy, pixel lust, rustled jimmies, casual vs hardcore players, inflation, RMT, etc.

The staff here have done great to put up with it. None of the starting CSR staff (Hobby/Uthgaard/Amelinda/prolly some others) are still here, indicating that it does get too much or dealing with people's shit for free all day/every day can be taxing. Of course there's more to it than that, but the players here should be more grateful for what has been created for them (and many are).

So when you see the community demanding a Velious timeline, making "subliminal" signatures with "VELIOUS" written in big fonts (JerSar!), and threads trying to speed things up... think about what you're getting for free already. Rogean/Nilbog and many others have built something great, don't shit on it or try to force content out of them because you simply can't wait anymore. Go outside if you're bored with Kunark.

Anyway, impatient Velious people, recognize yourselves below? ;)
