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View Full Version : LF Long term duo partner

01-04-2014, 04:35 PM

I've been off and on this server since 2012 and while I have tried to get my friends/family back into this or introduce them to it they seem to lose interest or barely play.

So I am now turning to the forums with hopes to find a person or group of people that play regularly that are looking for someone else to join. I have just moved and am between college and work until May so I have plenty of time to play at most hours and most days.

I currently own a 49 Shaman and 17 necro that I play while I also have a 22 CLR that is collecting dust.

Please PM me or respond to this thread so we can hopefully start tomorrow or maybe even squeeze in a few hours today.

01-04-2014, 06:06 PM
I would be willing to group up with your shaman on my 32 monk. It may take a little of time for me to get closer though. Let me know if you are interested.

01-04-2014, 07:02 PM
I would like to once we get closer level. By all means let me know.

01-06-2014, 08:59 PM
Bump, bored and need a group or duo partner for tonight.

01-06-2014, 09:10 PM
i'm just starting to roll a bard at lvl 5 currently if u want to roll a new toon.


01-06-2014, 09:57 PM
26 rogue lf duo partner....there should be an lfg forum

01-06-2014, 10:07 PM
You know if I was you I would level up the Necro. The Shaman will be over the top "IF" you have enough plat thrown at it in Velious. But the zones it can take advantage of will be perma camped for months.

The Lower zones will be a lot more fun at like level 30 to 40. No way the average Joe Blow is going to get any gear from the top zones for a long time sad to say. :(

01-06-2014, 10:30 PM
26 rogue lf duo partner....there should be an lfg forum

I agree with you on that. Would make it easier to log in the forums before playing and try to schedule a group/duo to play with.

You know if I was you I would level up the Necro. The Shaman will be over the top "IF" you have enough plat thrown at it in Velious. But the zones it can take advantage of will be perma camped for months.

The Lower zones will be a lot more fun at like level 30 to 40. No way the average Joe Blow is going to get any gear from the top zones for a long time sad to say. :(

Yeah, my only two characters I play are the Shaman and the Necro but I've gotten burnt out from soloing and am hoping to find a player with an open schedule like me so we can work towards getting higher level together.