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View Full Version : Stop the ******* madness!

01-03-2014, 02:30 AM
This is out of hand. Reduce variance enough to give all parties who know the time of death of an encounter a reasonable idea of when the follow up spawn will occur. Do not allow any entity to kill a mob twice in a row period with the exception of VP dragons. Choose 4 mobs outside of VP that Tmo/FE/IB cannot engage for any reason each month, cycle these mobs so that they include every mob outside of VP as time progresses. Do not allow stalling tactics past the first invulnerable disc/spell/clicky. If a mob is FTE'd it must be engaged immediately, if it is being pulled to a raid it cannot be interfered with, it must reach the raid in a reasonable amount of time (people with more experience fighting sev, talendor, gore etc need to set these time limits). If you rush an engage and wipe you cannot engage again until the remaining present guilds have engaged. The raid leader of each present guild must /ran to decide what the order is for follow up engages by the remaining guilds. Guilds must engage within X minutes after the previous guild wiped regardless of whether or not they are prepared. Institute 1 simulated repop per month, no guild may kill more than 2 targets within the first 6 hours of the respawn, they may kill 1 additional target after the first 6 hours, after 12 hours any remaining targets are FFA, simulated repops do not count toward previous kill lockout for any guild. VP dragons do count toward 2 target limit during simulated repop.

Is this a defacto rotation between Tmo and FE/IB outside of simulated repops? Yes. If you want more targets then you better hope whichever of these guilds that is not locked out from killing the last spawn botches their initial attempt or you better learn how to raid on this server, if you cannot get lucky or learn to mobilize and raid then go farm some more planes, the raid scene is not for you.

Does this system still shit on casual guilds 9 out of 10 times a raid mob spawns? Yes. Encourage your guild to improve or join a better guild.

Does this system provide some minor concessions to casual guilds? Yes. Will they be enough for casual guilds? No.

Is this system going to eliminate petitionquest? No.

Is it possible to eliminate petitionquest? ???

Do not bastardize this emu server by dictating terms to the high end players requiring them to provide free pixels to casual players who are not willing to earn them. There is a significant barrier to entry to obtain the high end pixels on this server, this is a good thing, this is 'classic'. This server attempts and does a very decent job of creating a classic environment, do not further degrade this environment by handing out free pixels and free attempts at pixels to people simply because they think having to achieve them in a very competitive environment is not fair. If you want pixels, earn pixels.

I am not in a high end raiding guild, I have never been in a high end raiding guild. If this system in any way seems complicated to you, I cannot help you, no one can help you.


p.s. flame on

01-03-2014, 02:47 AM
Pint for P99 Mayor.

01-03-2014, 03:35 AM
Do not bastardize this emu server by dictating terms to the high end players requiring them to provide free pixels to casual players who are not willing to earn them. There is a significant barrier to entry to obtain the high end pixels on this server, this is a good thing, this is 'classic'. This server attempts and does a very decent job of creating a classic environment, do not further degrade this environment by handing out free pixels and free attempts at pixels to people simply because they think having to achieve them in a very competitive environment is not fair. If you want pixels, earn pixels.

I am not in a high end raiding guild, I have never been in a high end raiding guild. If this system in any way seems complicated to you, I cannot help you, no one can help you.


01-03-2014, 03:48 AM
I definitely agree with the message you are getting across even though I have never raided before and can't really say what type of plan I think should be chosen.

01-03-2014, 03:48 AM
tl;dr rnf.