View Full Version : MQ timing?

01-01-2014, 07:52 PM
Anyone have a general idea on what the time window to MQ something is from first turn in to last?

Doing a rogue epic and I have a book on my warrior just curious if it would be possible to turn in the book then log over to the rogue to spawn renux or would that be too slow?

Just curious because getting the notes can be a pain sometimes so would be slightly salty if i messed it up hah

01-01-2014, 07:53 PM
yes its totally possible, unless the mob dies or is de-spawnd or quest complication, they'll still have all the stuff turned in to them

01-01-2014, 09:43 PM
unless the zone gets repopped or the mob dies...it **should** have the item on it no matter how much time passes.

keep in mind, that if someone comes along and does their turn in while you are switching over that you are screwed.

also keep in mind that sometimes EQ just likes to not play nice and eat your items when you MQ...

its risky, like any MQ.

01-02-2014, 05:52 AM
Also keep in mind that sometimes EQ just likes to not play nice and eat your items when you MQ...

I've always hoped that was a myth.

01-02-2014, 06:51 AM
Not sure about Renux but make sure you're at least indifferent for some of the parts of that quest (as a rogue it required sneaking behind a mob, I was naturally "apprehensive" to every NPC on it).

Probably fine without it, but the wiki creates paranoia, and we all dread the thought of losing quest items to little things :p

01-02-2014, 07:13 AM
By the way, the faction of every person turning in doesn't matter except the last one that triggers the reward (and subsequent faction check). I unwittingly tested this directly.

Rogue had all pieces of the temple of sol ro quest, plus 3/4ths of another set for a second item. Original plan was to get one item for the alt and a second item to sell. Turned in 4 of 4 pieces, got screwed because of indifferent faction (amiable required).

Round 2. Rogue turned in all but one piece. Logged to separate character, enchanter, amiable faction, turned in last item. Successful completion.