View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Blind and Fear stacking

12-28-2013, 11:34 PM
Having some issues with this in groups with fear kiting as a theme and more than one person is attempting to crowd control via blind and fear (paladin ramping aggro + necro CC. Both are doing more or less what they should be doing). This bug is easily reproducible.

How it used to work:
Blinded mob: Erratic pathing unless something on its hate list was in range.
Feared mob: Semi-predictable pathing until the effect wore off.
Blinded + Feared mob: Fear behavior took precedence as far as being able to attack, and blind took precedence as far as pathing. If fear wore off, blind effects took over, or vice-versa.

How it works on P99:
Blinded mob: Erratic pathing unless something on its hate list is in range (good)
Feared mob: Semi-predictable pathing until the effect wore off (good)
Blinded + feared mob: Mob hits the closest character in melee range and runs in a strange, warpy diagonal pattern at the same time. (not good)