View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Fear not doing its thing

10-22-2013, 02:07 PM

Can see around 0:05sec:

You are no longer afraid.
You have control of yourself again.
You lose control of yourself!
You flee in terror.

But got control of self anyways, can clearly move around and keep attacking. The DragonRoar debuff keeps blinking at top right for max 12sec duration anyways, just not causing its usual "run around with LD tag" -effect.

Wasn't feared before this (altho it claims I was?), wasnt charmed on pull either methinks. Not exactly sure what went awry but figured would report in case GMs can replicate.

10-22-2013, 08:18 PM
so that's why you guys where able to get tal!

I kid I kid

I think its just odd message and buff/artifacting from a not full duration fear, you prolly only really had fear for like half a tic, but the buff stuck on for its full duration, dragon charm likes to do that also.