View Full Version : Movement speed in water

06-29-2013, 08:53 AM
is it static regardless of run speed modifiers? i can't see any posts and i can't quite tell if sow/snares do anything. It doesn't appear to make a difference either way.

06-29-2013, 09:20 AM
SoW does make you faster when swimming, but it's dependent on your swimming skill instead of your running speed. A character with a swimming skill of 1 and SoW will creep through the water slightly faster.

06-29-2013, 09:54 AM
It seemed to me that clicking jboots allowed me to swim backwards, albeit slowly. Without the buff, I was only able to go forward.

06-29-2013, 02:18 PM
I'm pretty sure that swimming speed is not effected by sneak. my rogue always feels like he is flying when he hits water during a sneak/hide adventure.

06-29-2013, 03:32 PM
well, the reason i'm asking is that the fungi staff snare doesn't seem to snare me in the water. but i can't tell if its just my imagination or if it doesn't hurt me as much