View Full Version : Bard Instruments

05-24-2013, 06:57 PM

Just a quick question about the bard instruments and their effects.
I recently purchased a McVaxius' Horn of War, and noticed it did not increase the amount of damage of my brass modifier songs.

My question is: What benefit's do the higher modifier instruments provide?

Do they decrease the chance to be resisted?
Is the Bard instrument system bugged?

Thanks for any help offered =)

05-27-2013, 10:25 PM
Can't comment for horn of war personally, but I've noticed the difference in all of my instruments as I upgraded them. IIRC, the only brass really you would be able to see the effect on is the lvl 18 dot. Depending on your level, the difference in the modifier might be such that its not enough for it to be visible yet, although that doesn't mean it is not working since that DoT doesn't do a whole lot of dmg to begin with.

I would imagine you should be able to see it regardless though. You could test it with the STR component of the 42 haste song as well.

05-28-2013, 12:18 PM
I'm not very clear on this either. Maybe the special brass or wind instruments make the effects last longer.

Anyone else?

Grimmly Fireforge
05-29-2013, 11:09 AM
All Bard instrument modifiers are working as intended.

McVaxius' Horn of War increases the damage of of your Denon's Dischord song by 140%.

A "Horn" that you buy from a vendor increases your Denon's Dischord damage by 110%.

The difference between the two is not going to be huge. And remember that other things factor into your Denon's Dischord damage. First of all, your damage output is going to be capped by the level of your Bard and the level of your Brass Instruments skill as well. You may not see the full benefit of a McVaxius Horn until mid-to-high-levels.. And like I said, it's not going to be a HUGE difference.

Also, equipping a horn doesn't increase the radius of your Denon's Dischord, or make it less resistable, and it doesn't make Denon's last more ticks. All it does it increase the damage of the DoT per tick.

I hope this was helpful.