View Full Version : WTB KIND GM JC service...

05-16-2013, 12:32 PM
Found one.

05-16-2013, 01:08 PM
I have about 5 combines i need done (black sapphire/diamond sorta stuff) and have the metal bars. The last JC i talked to said 500pp a combine, which is insane for what amounts to a little mana to enchant bars and to click the combine button :P

Anyone able to help me for a reasonable price?

Contact Ramblin/Gamooch/Wispy/Carron if able to please :)

You're not paying for 'a little mana to enchant bars and to click the combine button'.

You are wanting someone who is actually max JC to do those combines. If you are wanting platinum combines of diamond/black sapphire, if you don't get a max JC you are doing yourself a great disservice - BS combines have a 88.5% success rate and a 86.50% for diamond at MAX JC - every point below knocks additional percentages off. (off the top of my head, i think).

To get to max JC takes about 11 hours and approximately 10kpp if you follow an optimum path, which most people won't.

Also, 500pp is right in line with market - black sapphires sell for 3k, the earrings easily sell for 3500p. That's a JC margin (that we also take an inherent risk on, there's always a 5% combine failure even for trivials). If I were to advertise my services for 100p a combine, what is to stop the BS Electrum Earring from dropping from 3500 to cost of black sapphire + 100pp.

I guess when it boils down to it, a combine is worth what you think a JC margin is worth. Most JC items sell with 100pp margin on it easily - and our cash cows are the high gem / bar combines that have inherent risk where we can inflate margins. Giving out services for cheap undermines that market and poses a risk to financial gain via utilizing a tradeskill. How many combines do we have to put in to make the tradeskill profitable? At 100p a pop that's 100 combines, easily.

Now, granted you have 5 combines to do, I'd cut you a deal on all 5. However, it would be more to the tune of 1500p for all of them - with the understanding that you have a non-zero chance of not getting 5 pieces.

Tomtee in game, or Scrumph