View Full Version : Quest Issue: Gwan Quest Text

04-23-2013, 02:03 AM
Spawning Gwan for the Monk epic(turning in a Charred Scale to a presence in plane of sky) is supposed to print the following text:

Gwan says 'Im ready when you are, <your name>. Tell me when you are [prepared].'

However, I've done him twice now and the text he gave was:

[Mon Apr 22 13:34:26 2013] Gwan says 'Im ready when you are, Jubei. Tell me when you are [prepared].'

Jubei is another Monk in my guild that was not even in the zone when spawning him

[Mon Apr 22 17:04:49 2013] Gwan says 'Im ready when you are, Draga. Tell me when you are [prepared].'

Draga is a Warrior that was with me up on the island when spawning him

should obviously be using the name of the player that turned the Charred Scale in

04-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Fixed, pending update.

More complicated than it should have been!