View Full Version : Looking for Casual Guild

11-06-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm looking for a casual guild to start out with, level up with and hopefully hit raids with, but nothing with mandatory attendance since I have a family and RL comes first. I am mature and looking for same in guildmates and am not interested in drama. I will use a guild website and like using voice chat/vent.

I have raided up to Velious back in the day and have served as an officer and have been a GL so I know what work is involved in running a guild and would work to further the guilds goals but I am not interested in a leadership position since I don't have the time, unless it was just for recruitment tagging.

I'm open to playing just about any class but have a preference for Ranger/Mage/Wizard/Cleric in that order.

Please respond here in this thread with your guild information and requirements and I will check it over the next week and pick the one with the best fit for me.

Thank you for considering me for your guild.

11-06-2010, 12:46 PM
get ahold of some1 in peacepipe guild and go to their website to sign up... cu in game