View Full Version : Pathing

  1. Shrouded bat hallway in TOFS
  2. Kael, Pathing Horrid
  3. an avalanche Golem in Icewall Keep
  4. Eastern Wastes
  5. Skyshrine lower level roamers
  6. Wakening Lands Holgreshes
  7. Dragon Necropolis and Pet Pathing
  8. Great Divide Mountain between Wurm Cave and Velks
  9. Guard Kristrum in Thurg
  10. Chamberlain Krystorf warping
  11. One Spot in Velketor's
  12. Cobalt Scar - Othmir Camp
  13. Eastern Wastes - Rodrick Tardok
  14. wakening lands pathing
  15. Thurgadin/Icewell pathing
  16. Western Waste - ToV Valley
  17. Thurgadin Guards
  18. Cobalt Scar - pathing near SG zoneline
  19. Plane of Growth - Pathing
  20. TOFS Level 5
  21. Pet Pathing In Velketor's Labyrinth
  22. Kael pathing
  23. Skeletons getting stuck pathing first floor ToFS
  24. pet pathing - Crushbone
  25. Pathing: Shardwurm Cave in the Great Divide
  26. Vindi's Guardians run speed after aggro reset
  27. SG - Seahorses follow players onto the land
  28. Ntov -- hatching pathing before Roy
  29. Dragon Necropolis - Rat Tunnels
  30. Snow Griffons in EW
  31. pathing issues in kael
  32. Iceclad - roamer goes through geometry
  33. Phase Spiders
  34. Kallis Stormcaller
  35. Tower of Frozen Shadow: VhalSera
  36. ToFS upper levels
  37. Vluudeen on top on wurm cave
  38. Cobalt Scar - North Drake on Plateau
  39. DN - Zlandicar
  40. Thurgadin - Guard Suuna
  41. a Ry'Gorr watchman ( Crystal Caverns )
  42. "Icebreaker"? Boat from Iceclad to EW.
  43. Geonids in Wakening Land
  44. Sentry Ellison
  45. Eastern Wastes - Ry`Gorr Fort, aggro warping through walls
  46. Tizmaks in Great Divide
  47. Agro coming from beyond the walls. Frozen Shadow level 4
  48. Eastern Wastes - Frost Giant Fortress
  49. Eastern Wastes - GD Zoneline
  50. Great Divide - Blizzent
  51. Tower of frozen shadow floor 5 arrival area
  52. Iceclad Boat
  53. Tower of Frozen Shadow - entrance pathing
  54. POG - a slyvan protector
  55. Lodi stuck on gnoll huts
  56. 10th ring war, mobs falling through ground.
  57. Holgresh cave wakening lands
  58. West Freeport - Trissa Whistlesong
  59. Kael Drakkal
  60. bad pathing
  61. Tizmak Pathing
  62. Elder Snow Griffons -- Eastern Wastes
  63. Unrest... since velious patch fix.
  64. TOFS 4th Floor
  65. Velks Lab
  66. Ikatiar the Venom near Eashen room
  67. Sirens
  68. Lower Guk
  69. Old Sebilis
  70. Dreadlands ruins ruined
  71. Unrest
  72. Erudin Palace
  73. Cazic-thule alligators
  74. Mobs running through corners...
  75. Lake of Ill omen windmill pathing
  76. Siren's Grotto Temple Area
  77. Crystal caverns spider tunnel
  78. test
  79. its all screwed up
  80. Bootleg BS
  81. Incoherent Spirit
  82. Pathing in Sebilis at Disco camp
  83. Pathing for Dungeons
  84. Unrest Mobs wrapping when nuked
  85. Major issues in ToV since patch
  86. PLEASE. please. please.
  87. Pathing in Howling Stones - south wing
  88. Geonids in WL
  89. Siren's Grotto Since Patch
  90. Ali Marpet Sport Jersey
  91. Skyfire pathing after Patch
  92. OMG the pathing, its apalling
  93. Highpass Gnolls
  94. Wandering Skulking Brute in Warslik Woods roams through wall
  95. Mistmore npc pathing
  96. Lesser Faydark
  97. Lower Guk wan traps
  98. Sand Giant placeholders in Oasis of Marr
  99. Thistle Underbrush
  100. Pathing in Thurgadin mine area issue
  101. velks pathing bug
  102. NPCs will flee through the wall in TOV near east exit
  103. hunting Groi Gutblade
  104. Trancil Clearpond and Monia Oakstone
  105. Kael Drakkel
  106. New SG Pathing Issue
  107. Councilor Deynekn
  108. Innoruuk pathing since patch 50d
  109. Ice giants in permafrost
  110. West karana Wandering Bandits and other stuff
  111. Plane of Mischief: Abbis, Dabbis, Dobbis
  112. Flying fish...?
  113. The Toilmaster
  114. Rivervale Pathing
  115. A kerran sha`rr apprentice
  116. Unable to cast on mobs (Spectres) if in water
  117. Kelethin
  118. Kurns pathing
  119. Kelethin Pathing
  120. VP zone in pad
  121. SG Mob Pathing (V53)
  122. Mobs have no z-axis range limitation
  123. elven dancer pathing in VP
  124. Z axis in MM castle
  125. Kurns
  126. Bvellos
  127. Permafrost
  128. Feared mobs warping though walls in Skyshrine
  129. HS Basement
  130. MASSIVE pathing bugs in velks
  131. Pet Pathing in Sol A towards Lava Elemental -- secret drawbridge
  132. HoT / ToV
  133. Kaladim Dwarf King
  134. Tol Nicelot / Erudin Library
  135. Zordakalicus Ragefire - bad pathing running at low health
  136. Beldion Icewing reset pathing
  137. Mob pathing around the inner ring of NToV
  138. East Karana - Griffawn Spawn Bug - Green
  139. The Hole - Docks - Mobs flee through wall and warp
  140. Mobs from North and hub warping in West by Gozzrem
  141. Kael - Vindi pathing
  142. Dragon Necropolis - Spiders path to Zlandi
  143. HS pathing in the basement is an abomination
  144. @Haynar
  145. Fish out of Water (Kera Island)
  146. Bilge Broken (not the way most people think it is)
  147. Gnome of no Hope
  148. Invisible Treant complicates Quill Spawning
  149. wakening Lands Geos
  150. Guard Cyrillian - South Qeynos
  151. Fear pathing in Arena is wrong
  152. Rooted mobs Ghosting towards you
  153. Cobalt Scar Mobs Falling Under The World when Underwater
  154. Pathing is broken in most zones
  155. Western Wastes Wyvern Cave